LTL Mon Oct 17

podkey Posts: 5,106 Member
edited October 2016 in Social Groups
Everyone says it, but just how do you do it? How do you take the guidelines of the WW program and turn them into a lifestyle you can live every day...from now on? That is what we are here to explore. Each weekday, a new topic is offered up for discussion. Newbie? Join in! Veteran? Join in! Your thoughts may be just what someone else needs to hear.

Monday –- Podkey (Bob)
Tuesday -- Misterhub (Greg)
Wednesday -- Beachwoman2006 (Cindy)
Thursday -- Calvin2008 (Brian)
Friday -- Al_Howard (Al)

Topic: Life's Simple Pleasures (outside of food)
QOTD How do you incorporate Life's Pleasures and what are some of yours?


  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,106 Member
    OK OK for those of you old enough to have seen the movie Tom Jones eating scene where unbridled sex is commingled with smooshing fruit in ones face I get that but it really is about the sex.
    Some of mine (outside of the obvious (but seldom mentioned in WW) the "S" word may include things like hiking the Grand Canyon with family, Giving a paper at a national Research Society meeting. Oh so many. How about you?
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    I had to laugh at the phrase the "S" word. I'm going to assume that tops everyone's list!

    For me, it was cuddling up with my dog and SO with a good cup of coffee while watching Luke Cage Sunday morning. I loved the time together and it felt so comfortable. I also love being able to curl up with a good book on a rainy day (wish I was doing that right now!)
  • misterhub
    misterhub Posts: 6,312 Member
    I like quiet moments in nature.
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 6,967 Member
    They used to include that feeling I could go on forever that would come during a long run. Sadly, I can no longer run. A rainy walk through an old-growth forest. The feeling of peeling a long curl off a piece of walnut with a well-tuned hand plane. Rolling over on a summer morning and watching my DW sleep...
    I enjoy life and there are simple pleasures every day, too numerous to count.
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,106 Member
    edited October 2016
    Nice Dave. I have found it takes me a longish time to "get my second wind" whether hiking up a steep slope, biking up a tough hill, or running (back in the day). At least 20+ minutes anyway. I was always a "negative split" runner in the longer road runs. Maybe I didn't "warm up" enough but didn't really care. I don't run these days either but have always enjoyed biking anyway. And hiking too.
    As far as the "runner's high" I get cycling I don't notice that much until I get in the 50 or 100 mile range or so. Very strong after a 200 mile one day ride for sure. The usual rides feel good but not drugged out.
  • Jimb376mfp
    Jimb376mfp Posts: 6,232 Member
    LoL I first read Bob's "S" word comments and thought Wow! This will be interesting LTL! Then I saw this...

    Topic: Life's Simple Pleasures (outside of food)
    QOTD How do you incorporate Life's Pleasures and what are some of yours?

    My routine includes a trip to the dog park where I meet with a regular group of friends and just generally BS, laugh, tell stories, reminisce and enjoy each other's company. I get to meet new people and their dogs every week. We go out for BD and holiday breakfasts and lunches and I can look forward more to enjoying the company than thinking about what I'm going to eat. Reminds me when I realized I could have a good time without drinking. Now I can have a good time at a restaurant without blowing my diet!
  • Calvin2008Brian
    Calvin2008Brian Posts: 1,024 Member
    Boating with DW on Lake Minnetonka on a lovely fall day that starts off a little cool but finishes just right. Mix in dozens of loons, a perfect brunch at a great little local eatery on the far end of the lake, and all the reds, oranges, and yellows of the fall leaves reflecting on the water . . . hard to beat! That was my day yesterday, and I feel so blessed.
  • leeless511
    leeless511 Posts: 243 Member
    Our dog is a daily pleasure, especially since we lost her sister to cancer. We always said about them that each morning is like Christmas Morning when they come to greet you.

    Reading right before going to sleep is a recent (returned) simple pleasure.

    And a new simple pleasure is taking a day or 2 off to go with my husband when he has to travel by car for business. He usually has about a 2-3 hour drive and only has to attend about 1-2 hours of meetings. We bring our dog and just have a simple "away" time from home. I scout out dog friendly restaurants and hotels -- it's been great.

    My weirdest simple pleasure is perusing the multitude of catalogs that are sent to me by retailers. It's weird because I am not a big consumer, but I like to see what's new and out there and then throw away the catalog.

    And always have loved the outdoors in general, be it in a city, small town, park etc.
  • goldenfrisbee
    goldenfrisbee Posts: 1,640 Member
    I love photography and really enjoy locking on to a bald eagle over the Mississippi river diving down to grab a fish. I get the same enjoyment out of getting a great candid shot of a family member or a great portrait.
  • gadgetgirlIL
    gadgetgirlIL Posts: 1,381 Member
    podkey wrote: »
    OK OK for those of you old enough to have seen the movie Tom Jones eating scene where unbridled sex is commingled with smooshing fruit in ones face I get that but it really is about the sex.
    Some of mine (outside of the obvious (but seldom mentioned in WW) the "S" word may include things like hiking the Grand Canyon with family, Giving a paper at a national Research Society meeting. Oh so many. How about you?

    Bob - have you heard about WW Black that is rolling out in Australia tomorrow? The "S" word might being getting a lot more use in the WW meetings not to mention giving Connect a whole new meaning...

  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,106 Member
    Nice!!! 3 fitpoints for energetic sex. Yeah the whole does it "count" or not "count" regarding activity somewhat misses the point as the body counts it all if long enough and hard enough.
  • goldenfrisbee
    goldenfrisbee Posts: 1,640 Member
    "One study found that both men and women appreciate sex more than spending 30 minutes walking on a treadmill." They needed a study for this?
  • Authenticity3
    Authenticity3 Posts: 1,270 Member
    That's awesome. Of course, my hubby is reading this now and offering me 4 FitPoints. He's bartering.

    Here are a few of the things I find joy in:
    * creating beautiful things, whether they be visual or verbal
    * snuggling with my granddaughter in the morning, when she's groggy and no one else is up
    * certain music. There's a song I'm totally in love with right now called "Home" by Blue October ... it's become my theme song
    * connecting - truly connecting - with people
    * teaching things I'm passionate about
    * cooking amazing food for my family and friends
    * planning social gatherings that are unique, fun, and meaningful
    * date night every Friday with my husband
    * visiting the ocean, watching and hearing the waves at night
    * playing music with my daughters at church
  • minimyzeme
    minimyzeme Posts: 2,708 Member
    Simple pleasures outside of food?? Are there any?? B)

    Oh of course! For me, like @goldenfrisbee , my ability to practice my photography (which most often involves quiet moments in nature like @misterhub ) is especially rewarding. The combo works great for me, year-round.

    Walking with my partner and our dog is right up there too. There's something very gratifying about seeing a rescue dog (who's been with us 7 years now) enjoying life, especially since she was returned twice before we adopted her. She is now a certified therapy dog and has been visiting residents at nursing homes and developmentally disabled facilities for several years.
  • gadgetgirlIL
    gadgetgirlIL Posts: 1,381 Member
    Hiking in the woods brings me great joy. So does riding my bike. Snuggling with our shelter kitties at bedtime and upon arising also give me pleasure.
  • countcurt
    countcurt Posts: 593 Member
    podkey wrote: »
    Yeah the whole does it "count" or not "count" regarding activity somewhat misses the point as the body counts it all if long enough and hard enough.

    When I was 19 it was hard enough but not long enough. Now that I'm 59, it's long enough but not hard enough.

    Or perhaps I'm applying the terms incorrectly.

  • countcurt
    countcurt Posts: 593 Member
    But to answer the LTL question, any unexpected stimulation to the mind or body is one of life's little pleasures. So, a great conversation at the lunch room, a spontaneous bike ride, an episode of BigBang Theory I've not seen before, the Saturday puzzles in the Wall Street Journal.

    While not directly asked, these play in to my weight management as well. Because any time I'm otherwise occupied, particularly pleasantly, is time I can't 'boredom eat'.
  • lowbar31
    lowbar31 Posts: 6,601 Member
    In no particular order...
    -The 1st cup of coffee in the morning.
    -A rural two lane highway on the motorbike.
    -That novel you can't put down.
    -Taking an evening stroll with the wife and the dog.
    -Good music (and the definition of good changes).
  • goldenfrisbee
    goldenfrisbee Posts: 1,640 Member
    Dennis, that reminds me of one thing my wife and I like to do. We drive out in to the country to watch the sun setting and stop somewhere on the road in the middle of the farm fields and turn the car off. I love hearing only the sounds of the fields and no traffic
    MICHGOLFER2 Posts: 197 Member
    The smell of fresh cut grass.
    The sound of sprinklers.
    Reading anytime, but especially in front of the fireplace.
    Face Time with my kids in Honduras. Amazing technology!!
    Hearing my parents' voices on the phone.