I'm Back!

MyShell0507 Posts: 5 Member
So after a brief hiatus due to training for a 5 mile elevation run - I am back. I have not done any strength training in two months :( but I am ready to jump back into it. I ate whatever I wanted (within reason still snacked on protein bars) and good news is I didn't gain any weight. Bad news, surprise surprise, even with all of my intense cardio I didn't lose any weight. I am ready to shed 40 lbs of fat. I am thinking I do not need to do a metabolism reset since I know my calorie intake was high. What do you all think?

P.S. I am currently training for a mud run in September. I do love my cardio, but trying to make strength training a more integral part of my workouts.


  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Welcome back! I took a break and came back at the start of the month, loving how I feel already.

    I'm trying to fit strength into my running training, unlike you I'm not training for anything specific atm although there's a 1/2 marathon I've got my eye on in just over 12 months....

    I've recently started YAYOG - I find it's less hassle than faffing around with equipment. Only done it this wee though.

    Good luck with your progress, add me if you'd like some, support!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Since you intake was high, then shoot for tdee-10% and see how it goes while making strength training a focal point with the cardio in between.