Drawn to the light (clothes)

minimyzeme Posts: 2,708 Member
Interesting observation I've had that I wonder if others have experienced: For decades I dressed in and thought I preferred 'earth tones'--dark clothes. Since losing weight I've had the unexpected preference for lightening them up a bit. Not anything too gaudy but certainly lighter and brighter than what I used to wear. My explanation is that I think I used clothes to try to hide my former self to some extent. Now I'm not as prone to that.

Have you noticed any similar changes in your preference for clothing as you've lost weight?


    MICHGOLFER2 Posts: 197 Member
    Nope. I've always loved color and variety in my wardrobe.
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,106 Member
    Well my 32-34" pants weigh less than my old 44" ers. True dat.
  • Philtex
    Philtex Posts: 970 Member
    edited October 2016
    Not long after I reached goal my WW leader commented that I was wearing brighter colors than before. That came out of left field as it was not a conscious decision on my part. There might be something to this.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    I don't think I'm wearing any brighter clothes, but I notice I wear less patterns. Before I would try to find patterned tops to "disguise" my rolls. Now that I'm slimmer I don't try to disguise anything and often find myself buying solid colors more often than not.
  • jbrack381us
    jbrack381us Posts: 345 Member
    Rachel0778 wrote: »
    I don't think I'm wearing any brighter clothes, but I notice I wear less patterns. Before I would try to find patterned tops to "disguise" my rolls. Now that I'm slimmer I don't try to disguise anything and often find myself buying solid colors more often than not.

  • minimyzeme
    minimyzeme Posts: 2,708 Member

    Until the last year or so I gave a lot of presentations. One day I walked into the auditorium to set up and saw there was no podium. Then I realized I no longer needed it. I took comfort in standing behind the podium because it hid most of my body. At my reduced size, I no longer felt like I had to hide. It was very liberating.

    Wearing lighter / brighter clothes has some of that same feeling.
  • cakeman21k
    cakeman21k Posts: 6,016 Member
    And here I thought this thread was going to be about what I wear to a weigh in!!!
  • leeless511
    leeless511 Posts: 243 Member
    Yes, that happen to me too.

    I spent most of my adult life in a fairly normal weight range (some ups/downs) then I had a climb over the period of about 8 years that led me to WW.

    In the 8 years I climbed my clothes became centered around more dark colors and black. As the weight came off I returned to my usual white, cream, tan, light gray with navy and black. I also added much brighter colors and more "girly" colors, like pink and fuchsia.

    But, the biggest change compared to all my years at normal or heavy weight was wearing clothes that fit close. I found that showing off my shape was better than hiding it.