how to get the scale to move after a stall

treehugnmama Posts: 816 Member
this group is so helpful!! does anyone have any ideas on getting through a stall?

stats started may 7th 294 stated metformin and cut out refined carbs. lost 56 pounds till Sept 20.

Sept 20th to Oct 20th up amd down same 2 pounds all month I'm bad at measuring but my measurements all show up an inch but may not be accurate.
my carbs are from fruits and veggies and are between 100 to 150 carbs not net I do not subtract the fiber.

I cut my calories by 100 two weeks ago as I hadn't change then since I started.

think it's time to cut carbs further? I've had a bit of artificial sweetner sneak in do you think that could be it?
is a month a long enough time to say this isn't working and needs to be tweaked?

I appreciate the input.. I'm not mentally bummed out just wondering if I should change things up. also I know it was a lot of weight fast and wondered if my body needed a month to stabilize?
thanks in advance if you read this far!


  • BT_rescuemom
    BT_rescuemom Posts: 284 Member
    Intermittent fasting? I have heard that can help
  • treehugnmama
    treehugnmama Posts: 816 Member
    I was thinking about that. I don't snack between meals but if I cut out nigjt snack it would be more hours between dinner at 530 and breakfast at 8?
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    Or just put your head down and bully through it. Did you recalculate calories after your amazing loss? Or did I miss that? If it worked up until this stall, why wouldn't it still work? I've been told recently to stay consistent with what's working, true story. ;)
  • Catawampous
    Catawampous Posts: 447 Member
    You do you!

    But if this were me ... I'd first go into MFP goals. Click "view guided set up" and make sure my current weight is correct, then click "update profile". That makes MFP adjust your calories to what they should be. I would follow that and make sure my logging was 100% accurate. I use a food scale for most everything. That's just me, I am a bit obsessive but I know I'm as accurate as I can be. I would do my best to not go over or under calories and eat back about 50% of exercise calories burned. If the change in calories MFP gave me and I know I'm doing everything I need to and still no results I'd pull the carbs down.

    Good luck!
  • treehugnmama
    treehugnmama Posts: 816 Member
    lori I was at 1650 when loosing...somehow it went to 1550. had a few weeks not loosing so I went to 1450...still no loss head down bully through :wink:

    catawampus I don't eat exercise calories back and I weigh my food. I tried doing settings and it told me 1200 calories which seams low when i am 237 pounds and was 1650 calories and loosing a month ago....sounds like a big drop to me.

    I did have alot of stress the month I didn't loose...alot of stress home and work.

  • treehugnmama
    treehugnmama Posts: 816 Member
    edited October 2016
    thanks kp that was very insightful. I know it's a lot of weight in short time amd 50 of it was actually from may 7th to Sept 1. I'm not worried about it coming off slow slow is good

    good insight thanks. maybe I need to give more time before changing what was working! artificial sweetner does make me crave sugar and I wasn't having any in the beg and slowly it crept back in..
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    What @kpk54 said was amazingly insightful. I agree 200% with it. And can't really add anything.
    I'll just say that you are aware of additional stress during the month and if that has passed, you may just resume fat loss as usual automatically. If the stress is sticking around, then do what you can to address it. Even it it's just 1 minute a day of mindful breathing and relaxing. Take a tiny step to address the stress. Go stand outside in the grass barefoot and just breathe and feel the breeze. Whatever you can easily make happen. I really think the stress is the answer to sudden stop if nothing else has really changed.
    With that said, there's certainly no drawback to reducing sweeteners, so that's something you can do which shouldn't create any further stress and may or may not affect the stall but should at least reduce the sweet cravings.
    Considering intermittent fasting might be a good idea too. Even if it's just eliminating that evening snack and eating at your previous times. It might be enough. I would be careful not to do anything too drastic that might increase the stress though. I don't think a 16/8 IF poses much risk though.
  • HawkPNP
    HawkPNP Posts: 106 Member
    Do you eat dairy? I have heard cutting out that helps for some people.
    Otherwise, try intermittent fasting. I personally love it.
  • treehugnmama
    treehugnmama Posts: 816 Member
    thanks sunny bunny until I saw it in print I didn't think too much of the stress but it really affected me so I'm hoping now that that is back in check that's what it is.

  • collegefbfan
    collegefbfan Posts: 346 Member
    I was the same way. Fast loss and then slow. I listened to the peeps here. They reminded me that the body has to catch up. One thing I caught myself doing was nibbling on things I shouldn't. My son's chicken tenders that were breaded. Or whatever. Not saying You are doing that. Just saying.