Living the Lifestyle - 10/25/2016

misterhub Posts: 6,312 Member
edited October 2016 in Social Groups
Everyone says it, but just how do you do it? How do you take the guidelines of the WW program and turn them into a lifestyle you can live every day...from now on? That is what we are here to explore. Each weekday, a new topic is offered up for discussion. Newbie? Join in! Veteran? Join in! Your thoughts may be just what someone else needs to hear.

Monday –- Podkey (Bob)
Tuesday -- Misterhub (Greg)
Wednesday -- Beachwoman2006 (Cindy)
Thursday -- Calvin2008 (Brian)
Friday -- Al_Howard (Al)

Topic: Day in, day out...

The need for making good choices, with regard to a healthy lifestyle, doesn't go way tomorrow just because you made the right choices today. That need never goes away. However, our motivation may wax and wane. How do you keep motivated to do what you know you need to do...especially on those low days...when you really don't give a flying flip at a rodent's behind?


  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,106 Member
    I am not an all or nothing guy. What I do when (not if) I have those "out of bounds" or beyond category moments is that I have the angst, the emotion and then shrug my shoulders and move on. I ate way way way too much over the week-end but that is said and done. I made mostly good decisions about breakfast with a couple of hard boiled eggs and a bit of fruit but too much of some other stuff. I knew I had two special dinners but didn't know the second one was a "buffet" with lots of great choices. Don't know why I ate so much. coming home always helps because I eat my usual foods at home.

    Not likely to have back to back dinners next year. For me I guess it is live,learn and move on. When my weight was going down toward a healthy range I had on average 1 or 2 unplanned for or out of bounds moments. per week. So I told my group that I "fumbled the ball" 50 times while losing and was told "well you are off the team". I then said I picked up the ball 51 times.
    Kinda a weak analogy but the point was that I was persistent not perfect. Some folks don't care as long as they have "the points" but I did things a bit differently. I don't mind if I eat more or special items but I want it planned a bit in my mind and not just an unplanned overindulgence. what I don't do is dwell on it. Motivation?? Not sure. I had no motivation to join but followed some friends into WW unexpectedly during a morning bike ride. I never had that "newly wed" this is exciting and sexy honeymoon. I have also not been very far down in the dumps either. For me that equates to some sort of lack of motivation but I do the process anyway and figure out how to enjoy the trip albeit in a moderate way.
    If I have to wait to be let's say excited about doing something I will miss out on a lot.
    I don't think of it as if I am doing a 90/10 approach but what I eat is probably similar to that in a sense.
    Sorry I ramble.
  • leeless511
    leeless511 Posts: 243 Member
    I operate more on habit & routine than motivation.

    I maintain the habits because I eat what I like, normally food I prepare myself, but I'm confident in restaurant situations, I don't focus on the scale too much and I'm always tweaking my choices so I stay satisfied and avoid feeling deprived or restricted from any food. This has been true most of my weight loss journey and lifetime stint, but I seem to have refined it more in the last 12 months and feel even better about the fact that I can do this and if does feel like it is my lifestyle.

    If I do have a day where I really don't care for some reason and I eat differently or more than normal, I typically get back to routine the next day or two.

    Final note...only owning clothes that fit correctly (read not loose) really helps you know if you're going in the wrong direction with food and/or fitness.

  • Calvin2008Brian
    Calvin2008Brian Posts: 1,024 Member
    I think you've touched at the core of long-term lifestyle vs. short-term weight loss diet. I can't pretend to know the answer, but what I try to tell myself is that one off-plan day doesn't define a week. If I get sloppy and don't track for a day or two, I can always regroup and recover. As wise GoaDies know, this lifestyle is a lot like horseshoes and hand grenades: if you consistently get close, you'll win over time.
  • Jimb376mfp
    Jimb376mfp Posts: 6,232 Member
    How do you keep motivated to do what you know you need to do...especially on those low days...when you really don't give a flying flip....
    Happy to say I HAVE been giving a FLIP lately. The motivation thing is one I see addressed on WW Connect and here on MFP. I do get some motivation seeing others success but I think real motivation must come from within, a real desire to CHANGE, knowing that making wrong choices, not going to the pool/gym not getting 10K steps all just slow down the process and ultimately will result in not getting to where I want to be.
    Also I find that NOT doing the right thing one day makes it easier to not do it again the next day. Bad habits are formed just like GOOD HABITS by doing them EVERY DARN DAY!
    So just remember whatever you do it's easier if you do it every day. Good or Bad.
    MICHGOLFER2 Posts: 197 Member
    "How do you keep motivated to do what you know you need to do...especially on those low days...when you really don't give a flying flip at a rodent's behind?"

    I replaced my work day dress pants two weeks ago, and went with the smaller, just-a-little-bit-snug fitting size rather than the room-to-indulge-a-bit size. Knowing I will have nothing to wear to work if I have more than a day or two of not caring has done more to curb my late night mindless eating than all the thinking, planning, and strategizing I have done to this point.
  • gadgetgirlIL
    gadgetgirlIL Posts: 1,381 Member
    leeless511 wrote: »
    I operate more on habit & routine than motivation.

  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,106 Member
    I agree gadgetgirl. If I had to wait until motivated to brush my teeth or comb my hair it wouldn't happen so much. Habits will take ya places that no motivation can. One reason the old 16 weeks or 7 weeks etc was rewarded in WW.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,491 Member
    My motivation came and went years ago.

    Another vote for habit and routine. And I guess I've, well, changed. I can't imagine ordering a large pizza and eating until I can hardly move. No appeal.
  • goldenfrisbee
    goldenfrisbee Posts: 1,640 Member
    Jimb376mfp wrote: »
    Also I find that NOT doing the right thing one day makes it easier to not do it again the next day. Bad habits are formed just like GOOD HABITS by doing them EVERY DARN DAY!
    So just remember whatever you do it's easier if you do it every day. Good or Bad.

    Boo yah!!
  • minimyzeme
    minimyzeme Posts: 2,708 Member
    Count me with those who try to do this as a routine. I've only been at it a couple years+, but so far, I look at it as a daily choice. Of course, some days are a little more far-fetched than others but in the big picture, my choices on a daily basis are consistent with my goal of maintaining my weight (loss).

    Many (many) years ago, I took karate lessons. One of the things I remember from that was the importance of using your enemy's energy against them. I view this similarly. I choose not to fight my decision (choice) to lose / maintain weight. There are lots of reasons it has been good for me so I'm willing to give up my old habits in order to reap the benefits. I accept the reality of tradeoffs and know that most days I have to employ my new habits to continue the rewards of weight loss. I try not to make a big deal out of it and just work the program in the background.

    My related strategy is to take it one day at a time. I will never say 'gone forever'. I know each day is a new one and it's up to me to make good choices on a daily basis. Maybe it's just a mindset but a day or two at a time is about all I can manage. But it turns out, it's all I have to manage, then do it for another day or two...