5 Days Strong

CrescentVolf Posts: 87 Member
edited October 2016 in Social Groups
Hi all :)

Happy to see there is a group for those of us who struggle with binging. I will take all the support I can get, but there is just something about getting support from someone who has shared your struggle.

Since I started tracking in August, I have binged twice. I almost made it 3 times 5 days ago. I've been having this intense urge to binge on cake: chocolate cake specifically. I haven't given in, the first day I allowed myself one chocolate cupcake and since have refrained completely.

I'm 5 days strong today.

How many days have you been fighting a craving to binge? How many days strong are you?


  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    edited October 2016
    Chocolate is high in magnesium. If you don't already supplement with this, you might try it, see if that takes the edge off the intense craving. I personally find that there is a nutritional component to nearly all of my cravings/binges.

    If it is the sweet side (sugar and starchy carbs tend to play into serotonin and norepinphrine, etc. conversion and release), you might look at getting some neurotransmitter support going on. I find that my heaviest cravings there are in times of some form of stress - and that I need a little neuro-boost to get through, whether a walk, some meditation, loud/angry music, or some neurotransmitter supplements...

    Congrats on making it this far, @CrescentVolf - every minute is a new success! Also, there is a check-in thread for each month... Here is the current one.


    You'll find that is where everyone talks about the last questions you have here.