November 2016 - Walking Challenge
Magic - awesome choice on the desert.! And way to go with your goals. One day at a time - one goal at a time!1
Goal for November
- 120 miles
- 15 days over 10,,000 steps
- eat right for me..... no Sugar!
Total for week one - 13.16 miles
Total for week 2 - 31.33 miles and 5 days over 10,000.
Total 44.49 miles
Nov 13 - 4.82 miles - 10593 steps (6/15)
Feeling Good!
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Nov 14 - 4.67 miles - 10287 steps (7/15)1
EXERCISE Goals for November: 120 total miles AND
pedal 5 days a week (minimum)
swim 5 days a week (minimum)
11/1 pedal 2.86 miles
11/2 pedal & swim 5.02
11/3 pedal 3.09
11/4. Pedal 3.74
11/5. Pedal and swim 3.87 miles
11/6. Pedal and swim 4.15 miles
11/7 2.17 miles
11/8 3.68 miles
11/9 2.68 miles
11/10 3.77
11/11 3.0
11/12 3.16 pedal
11/13 5.02 pedal
11/14 2.29
Thanks Lilymay...yesterday was day three on target with dessert. Has made a huge difference on how I have been feeling. Yay. Think I am on to something!
Have a super day, sweetie!
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I'm not even sure how I felt about last week but this week is off to a hard start!
11/8 - 9.72
11/9 - 11.76
11/10 - 4.45
11/11 - 8.76
11/12 - 7.29
11/13 - 6.03
11/14 - 8.34
Week 2 - 56.35
Week 1 - 58.24
Total = 114.592 -
Adc looks very good to me0
Goal for November
- 120 miles
- 15 days over 10,,000 steps
- eat right for me..... no Sugar!
Total for week one - 13.16 miles
Total for week 2 - 31.33 miles and 5 days over 10,000.
Total 44.49 miles
Nov 13 - 4.82 miles - 10593 steps (6/15)
Nov 14 - 4.67 miles - 10287 steps (7/15)
Nov 15 - 2.94 miles
Survived the wait in the hospital, visited a friend who had a knee replacement on Monday. The two little spots on my back have about 5 stitches each, they are just a little itchy or maybe it is the Band-Aids!0 -
Thanks Lilymay, I just noted that I am tired this week but okay with that. I haven't been to the gym but I have done some exercise (even a little helps with the mental exhaustion) and reached goal so far each day. I expect that next week I will be back on track and maybe if the weather acts right a little excited! We have had 78 degrees, 4 mile visibility fog, a sprinkling on rain and now just plain clear and cold weather over the past 4 days! Make up your mind, pick a season0
cannot get my ticker to up date...grr...
no formal exercise yesterday...just a alot of walking.
Have a great day everyone0 -
Magic - those last pounds seem to be so stubborn. My UGW is 165. I am bouncing around 176 - 177. It would be great to have a magic pill but I have seen so many friends sink a lot of dollars into magic pills only to re-gain. So I think I will just keep fine tuning my lifestyle and habits and I know I will be rewarded. I am aiming for a stable 175 by year end. Patience and persistence and we will succeed.
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Goal for November
- 120 miles
- 15 days over 10,,000 steps
- eat right for me..... no Sugar!
Total for week one - 13.16 miles
Total for week 2 - 31.33 miles and 5 days over 10,000.
Total 44.49 miles
Nov 13 - 4.82 miles - 10593 steps (6/15)
Nov 14 - 4.67 miles - 10287 steps (7/15)
Nov 15 - 2.94 miles
Nov 16 - 4.11 miles
Curling has started.... the first game last night wasn't pretty.... but oh well. I will improve lol
Have a great day today everyone
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Goal for November
- 120 miles
- 15 days over 10,,000 steps
- eat right for me..... no Sugar!
Total for week one - 13.16 miles
Total for week 2 - 31.33 miles and 5 days over 10,000.
Total 44.49 miles
Nov 13 - 4.82 miles - 10593 steps (6/15)
Nov 14 - 4.67 miles - 10287 steps (7/15)
Nov 15 - 2.94 miles
Nov 16 - 4.11 miles
Nov 17 - 4.72 miles - 10393 steps (8/15)
I went for my walk right away in the morning yesterday and I will do that again this morning.
Snow flurries and cold ! Oh lovely, I walk faster now.... lol
Have a great day everyone
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Nov 18 - 3.51 miles
Didn't get my walk yesterday. Had to stay in the house waiting for a phone call.0 -
Goal for November
- 120 miles
- 15 days over 10,,000 steps
- eat right for me..... no Sugar!
Total for week one - 13.16 miles
Total for week 2 - 31.33 miles and 5 days over 10,000.
Total 44.49 miles
Nov 13 - 4.82 miles - 10593 steps (6/15)
Nov 14 - 4.67 miles - 10287 steps (7/15)
Nov 15 - 2.94 miles
Nov 16 - 4.11 miles
Nov 17 - 4.72 miles - 10393 steps (8/15)
Nov 18 - 3.59 miles
Total for week 3 - 28.36 miles
Running total 72.85 miles and 8 days over 10,000
I am doing good considering I have so many days of sitting on my butt. Today I will step on the scale.0 -
A little late start ... back to fill in the blanks. FINALLY got started on decluttering. 2 out of seven rooms completed.
Hope to do one more room the next three room early TG morning. One room next weekend. That would make 6 out of 7. Then one last one next week.
That will have been the first* pass through the house and everything put up so I can CLEAN! Help is on the way...
I am getting help on Dec 4th to give this place a thorough cleaning.
*The next pass through will be all closets and drawers. I'm feeling so much better now that this is actually underway. It was not hoarder status but it was a MESS. And getting started was daunting.
Friday, I came home from work...rested up and got into it. I even surprised myself.0 -
Goal for November
- 120 miles
- 15 days over 10,,000 steps
- eat right for me..... no Sugar!
Running total 72.85 miles and 8 days over 10,000
Nov 20 - 4.79 miles - 10530 steps (9/15)
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Signed up for a Workweek Fitbit Challenge . . . I figure at least I will get up on Thursday and go to the gym!
11/15 - 7.29
11/16 - 4.76
11/17 - 9.85
11/18 - 7.33
11/19 - 6.08
11/20 - 8.21
11/21 - 7.11 so far today hoping for 10
Week 2 - 56.35
Week 1 - 58.24
Week 3 - 50.63
Total = 165.221 -
Goal for November
- 120 miles
- 15 days over 10,,000 steps
- eat right for me..... no Sugar!
Running total 72.85 miles and 8 days over 10,000
Nov 20 - 4.79 miles - 10530 steps (9/15)
Nov 21 - 4.73 miles - 10401 steps (10/15)
Persistence.... and I will make my goal for this month.0 -
Goals for November
- 120 miles
- 15 days over 10,,000 steps
- eat right for me..... no Sugar!
Running total 72.85 miles and 8 days over 10,000
Nov 20 - 4.79 miles - 10530 steps (9/15)
Nov 21 - 4.73 miles - 10401 steps (10/15)
Nov 22 - 3.83 miles
Persistence.... and I will make my goal for this month.
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Goals for November
- 120 miles
- 15 days over 10,,000 steps
- eat right for me..... no Sugar!
Running total 72.85 miles and 8 days over 10,000
Nov 20 - 4.79 miles - 10530 steps (9/15)
Nov 21 - 4.73 miles - 10401 steps (10/15)
Nov 22 - 3.83 miles
Nov 23 - 5.38 miles - 11833 steps (11/15)
Yeah....curling started.0 -
Goals for November
- 120 miles
- 15 days over 10,,000 steps
- eat right for me..... no Sugar!
Running total 72.85 miles and 8 days over 10,000
Nov 20 - 4.79 miles - 10530 steps (9/15)
Nov 21 - 4.73 miles - 10401 steps (10/15)
Nov 22 - 3.83 miles
Nov 23 - 5.38 miles - 11833 steps (11/15)
Nov 24 - 5.6 miles - 11212 steps (12/15)
I can make a lot of steps procrastinating. Didn't get the book work done that I wanted to, but did get a closet cleaned out.
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Still trying to stay in the competition with this Workweek Challenge. . .
11/21 - 11.23
11/22 - 10.80
11/23 - 6.58
11/24 - 6.14
Still working on today0 -
Goals for November
- 120 miles
- 15 days over 10,,000 steps
- eat right for me..... no Sugar!
Running total 72.85 miles and 8 days over 10,000
Nov 20 - 4.79 miles - 10530 steps (9/15)
Nov 21 - 4.73 miles - 10401 steps (10/15)
Nov 22 - 3.83 miles
Nov 23 - 5.38 miles - 11833 steps (11/15)
Nov 24 - 5.6 miles - 11212 steps (12/15)
Nov 25 - 2.92 miles
Not a very productive day but did get my stitches out.
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Goals for November
- 120 miles
- 15 days over 10,,000 steps
- eat right for me..... no Sugar!
Running total 72.85 miles and 8 days over 10,000
Nov 20 - 4.79 miles - 10530 steps (9/15)
Nov 21 - 4.73 miles - 10401 steps (10/15)
Nov 22 - 3.83 miles
Nov 23 - 5.38 miles - 11833 steps (11/15)
Nov 24 - 5.6 miles - 11212 steps (12/15)
Nov 25 - 2.92 miles
Nov 26 - 4.8 miles - 10571 steps (13/15)
Total for the week - 32.08 miles and 5 days over 10,000 steps.
Running total 104.93 miles and 13 days over 10,000
Thankful for the nice weather.0 -
Goals for November
- 120 miles
- 15 days over 10,,000 steps
- eat right for me..... no Sugar!
Running total 104.93 miles and 13 days over 10,000
Nov 27 - 4.59 miles - 10092 steps (14 / 10)
Nov 28 - 2.95 miles
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For some reason I joined another Workweek Hustle Challenge - I have figured out that I am way to competitive for these challenges, they really mess up my workout schedule!!!
11/21 - 11.23 part of Week 3
11/22 - 10.80
11/23 - 6.58
11/24 - 6.14
11/25 - 10.69
11/26 - 7.00
11/27 - 11.13
11/28 - 10.61
Week 2 - 56.35
Week 1 - 58.24
Week 3 - 54.75
Week 4 - 62.95
Total = 232.290 -
Goals for November
- 120 miles
- 15 days over 10,,000 steps
- eat right for me..... no Sugar!
Running total 104.93 miles and 13 days over 10,000
Nov 27 - 4.59 miles - 10092 steps (14 / 10)
Nov 28 - 2.95 miles
Nov 29 - 3.75 miles ..... 116.22 miles
Adc7225 some competitiveness is good, but most times I just have to do my own thing or I get nowhere.0 -
Goals for November
- 120 miles
- 15 days over 10,,000 steps
- eat right for me..... no Sugar!
Running total 104.93 miles and 13 days over 10,000
Nov 27 - 4.59 miles - 10092 steps (14 / 10)
Nov 28 - 2.95 miles
Nov 29 - 3.75 miles ..... 116.22 miles
Nov 30 - 4.09 miles
Yeah ! Made it 120. 31 miles. Short 1 day over 10,000 steps. Oh so close.0
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