New to low-carb.....

jamescurrie75 Posts: 14 Member
edited October 2016 in Social Groups

I am on day one of low-carb.
I have read a lot about what food to eat etc, over the last few days and I have decided to give it a try.
I currently weigh in at 16st 4lb or 103.4kg I would like to get to a goal weight of 14st or 89kg
So this is day 1
So far I am 3 meals in with one to go. I have managed to keep carbs to 10g but fat is over by 14g.
I have 700 cals remaining on my planner. My aim is to stay below 20g of carbs a day, and any carbs I do get will be from vegetables.

Which of these figures do I need to be concerned about. Obviously the carbs, is the main, but how much should I be eating in the way of fat and calories?


  • gwenmf
    gwenmf Posts: 888 Member
    For low carb, you must also watch your protein numbers as those impact your insulin production and that impacts how your body responds. As for fat and calories, my understanding if your fat needs to be more than your protein. Your calories - if you eat more than your body needs, you'll gain. Have you determine your caloric needs?
  • jamescurrie75
    jamescurrie75 Posts: 14 Member
    edited October 2016
    I set out my initial calorie needs when I joined, but was struggling to lose anything, even at 1700 a day. So just got demoralized, so I needed to try something new to get the weight off.
    My protein is set to 85g a day, so far today I have consumed 53g of fat. but 82g of protein
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    Many here pair low carb with high fat. What are the gram amounts of your macros?

    Carbs should be kept to your daily limit, figure out the protein needs for your body and have that as a daily goal and eat fat to satiety. I was diligent with watching calories at first, but have been able to use this way of eating to learn true hunger cues and listen to those in addition to calories now, because some days I'll be low on calories but I have plenty of stored fat for my body to pull from.
  • cstehansen
    cstehansen Posts: 1,984 Member
    I would suggest using one of the keto calulators online. There are several such as:

    These have varying complexities. For instance, the first one there will give you very good personalized results, but you need to know a bit more of your data. If you don't know your body fat % and calories per minute burned for any exercise you may do, then one of the simpler ones might be better.

    I am sure you can find more of these online.
  • jamescurrie75
    jamescurrie75 Posts: 14 Member
    edited October 2016
    Here are your personal macros:

    1760 kcal Daily Calorie Intake
    20 g Carbs (5%, 80 kcal)
    118 g Protein (27%, 472 kcal)
    134 g Fat (68%, 1208 kcal)

    Ok, so this will help. This is based on a 25% deficit.
    So I will keep a log and see what results I get after 2 weeks.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Are you diabetic or have any reason to believe that you're insulin resistant? Pre-diabetic? Keep in mind 1 out of 3 people are.
    If not or really even if you may be just slightly insulin resistant, to the point that you don't actually know if you are or not, you don't really have to worry too much about going over on protein. But, it's generally a good idea to make your protein sources fatty ones. For example, eat a steak, fat and all. Dark meat chicken with the skin on. Fatty fish.
    If you do eat leaner meats then add some creamy sauces made of cheese, cream and/or butter. Or drizzle with olive oil. I eat lean meats quite often still and that's what I do. Eating a whole lot of protein might make you feel not so great. But, were not talking 10-20 or even 30-40 grams over your goal here. That's nothing to worry about if you're not diabetic or moderately insulin resistant. The process by which protein is converted to glucose is demand driven and if you don't have those conditions, your demand isn't likely high enough to create a problem.
    The main goal is keep the carbs low and don't fear fat. Make it natural fats from animals and then olive oil, coconut oil, avocado are good additions too.
  • jamescurrie75
    jamescurrie75 Posts: 14 Member
    Day 3.

    I managed to go over on my carb intake yesterday, 41g instead of the 20g I was aiming for. (shop bought cauliflower cheese caught me out) But so far I have dropped 4lbs in 2 days. This may be just the post holiday detox thing, but either way, I don't feel tired and I seem to be functioning as normal. I had a headache most of yesterday. But that seems to be the only side effect so far.
    I feel full more of the time so the need to snack seems to have subsided.

    I will be doing my first lo carb cycle ride tonight, (26 miles) so that should remove any of the glycogen that may be left in my system from the holiday carbs. I hope, so the Keto will then be well on its way to doing what it's supposed to do.
  • cstehansen
    cstehansen Posts: 1,984 Member
    Day 3.

    I managed to go over on my carb intake yesterday, 41g instead of the 20g I was aiming for. (shop bought cauliflower cheese caught me out) But so far I have dropped 4lbs in 2 days. This may be just the post holiday detox thing, but either way, I don't feel tired and I seem to be functioning as normal. I had a headache most of yesterday. But that seems to be the only side effect so far.
    I feel full more of the time so the need to snack seems to have subsided.

    I will be doing my first lo carb cycle ride tonight, (26 miles) so that should remove any of the glycogen that may be left in my system from the holiday carbs. I hope, so the Keto will then be well on its way to doing what it's supposed to do.

    Make sure you are getting enough electrolytes. You will lose a lot more water than normal and if you do not keep up with the electrolytes, you will not feel good. See info in launchpad about keto flu. It is totally avoidable. I have heard bad stories. Fortunately for me, I did read this first and made sure I had plenty of potassium and magnesium right out of the gate. Keeping sodium up was pretty easy for me.