Stress eating



  • jcavanna2
    jcavanna2 Posts: 782 Member
    I agree with you 100% - it is definitely hard to re-train our brains. I was never a big fast food person, but I will say there are a few items that are really so good. If I want it I have it but I usually get full so quickly or wind up not feeling great afterwards (ex: Chik-Fil-A nuggets).

    In the end, we are all still human and will have Cravings and stuff - it's a matter of trying to figure out our triggers and find something else to do than stuff our

    There are several people who have admitted to going overboard. One thing I have learned from my million years at Weight Watchers is that you don't let one bad binge, meal etc define your day, life etc. You have the next meal to get back on track so I try not to beat myself up if I have a bad day. Or I try to get some extra gym time in to try to balance it out.

    I am still trying to navigate this post op world which is still fairly new to me (surgery was 4/2016). Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend - you can never have enough support on this journey! ;)
  • StevenGarrigus
    StevenGarrigus Posts: 234 Member
    I've had a couple of moments where I "stress eat." It wasn't really a problem until the kids came home and filled two giant bowls with their Halloween candy. I know it's there in the kitchen and it's hard to resist. The only other time I can really think of was when my wife brought home a slice of caramel covered cheesecake. I tried a small teaspoon sized bite off of it and it instantly sent my stomach into spasms.

    Whenever I feel the need to crunch on something, I usually just grab two Doritos out of the bag and eat those. Literally two seems to satiate that craving and I just try to take my mind off of whatever is stressing me out.