I am miserable

breberka Posts: 4 Member
I have been fighting with this disorder for the last two years. I was so proud of me because I only had few binges in October. But today, I was left home with waffles and there we go. 1200 calories in 6 minutes, wow, I feel so bad about myself, really so bad and miserable, unlovable and just done, why am I so weak? I am sorry guys for such an emotional thread:) but I just thought I am over this. No. I am so so so scared.


  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    The first thing you probably can do to help is calm down and realize that a compulsion like this is not something you can control. You can learn tips to manage it, but that compulsion isn't you. It isn't about weakness. Willpower is a myth, a lie, and will fail you, guaranteed... Many others here will have better tips than me, but this is the first thing I had to do, learn to forgive myself, to dust myself off and get right back up, or I'd start a downhill slide. I'm still not winning all the time, by any means, but it is getting better....slowly but surely. (HUGS)
  • Nevadaden
    Nevadaden Posts: 971 Member
    breberka, you are not alone. None of us has all the answers-- but we do understand the questions, because we share them. And we are here to support you. Tomorrow is another day. For that matter, the very next hour or the next minute is a new one. Forgive yourself, and move on and forward.
  • mae918
    mae918 Posts: 742 Member
    Honestly, the two things that have helped me the most have been 1) checking in with this group on a regular basis to have accountability for myself and 2) learning to forgive myself, which includes not dwelling on any binge, or mistake that led to it. I'm a social worker and I just firmly believe from my own experiences and what I see in my professional life that we truly can't move forward until we bring forgiveness to our lives. Maybe just make it a goal to try to start there. Six years ago, a family friend told me, "Be gentle with yourself." The conversation was in regard to the pressure of putting on myself in grad school, but it applies to all things and it changed my life. Try a new perspective and offer yourself some forgiveness.. it's at least a good place to start. Hang in there!