New to this far, so good!

Hi all, thought I would introduce myself and put myself out there in hopes to find some support along the way with this new way of eating. My husband and I are newbies to this, on week 2 (day 4) and really enjoying the food, the recipes (using 30 day intro plan). I am feeling satisfied w/o the carbs/sugar (tho do think about my Asiago Bagel I would have every morning at work), lol.

I am just wondering how people track things, of course here on MFP, but wondered if anyone has had any success w/o logging food and sticking to measuring your food, etc. I tend to do really great logging but then fall off & disappear for a while.

A bit of history on me, I am 34 approaching 35, something I don't share a ton is that I had weight loss surgery 11 years ago. I have maintained over 115+ that entire time, and just recently have gained about 8 in the last year or so. I have never reached my personal "goal" but have always been healthy & following my diet- which is usually high protein, lower carb, lower fats- so this idea of enjoying all of the (good) fats is new to me.

I want to lose about 20# total to drop that 8# gain & the final weight that never came off. I currently am rehabbing a bum hip so a lot of exercise is out of the option, but when I can I do the bike/walk to tolerance levels.

Ok, so that was really long- sorry! Hope to meet some new people that have had success, and that have good tips & Tricks for a newbie trying this out!

Thanks guys :)


  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Welcome. Hopefully others will chime in soon. I'm kind of in the middle of a transition to part time keto myself, so I'm in a strange place at the moment.

    Congrats on your success surgery and in keeping the majority of the weight off! And for finding your way to another plan. I personally feel that the more tools we have in our toolbelts, the better our chances of success!
  • MSimmKeto
    MSimmKeto Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I'm completely new to MFP and am just starting out with keto. I'm doing it because I really don't want to be taking more medications, and I'm hoping that it will help with autoimmune disease. Losing some excess weight and arriving at a healthier new normal would also be a fantastic thing. Things that run through my mind are 'how am I going to manage this?', 'how can I eat enough veggies without going over on carbs?' I thought I was doing pretty well today, but obviously I still have a bad pantry for this (eating an apple was apparently not a good idea), and I ended up with at least 90 g carbs today. I'm a bit stumped on how/if I'm going to manage this. How do you folks manage to keep healthy veggies in the diet? Also, are the carbs being counted on MFP foods total carbs or net carbs with fibre subtracted? Tips and useful references are welcome.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    edited November 2016
    The majority of listings on MFP are not adjusted for net carbs. Now if you're using only UK listings or something like that, they should have the fiber removed already, due to the way their nutritional labeling works. If in doubt, pull up a site like or something to verify. Individually keyed entries can have insanely incorrect data, so ALWAYS verify a new item/listing.

    You can eat PART of an apple and stay keto, but the majority of fruits you want to keep eating are berries and stone fruits (like peaches with a stone in the middle). Pair with a good fat source for balance.

    Stay away from starchy veggies like peas, corn, carrots, and potatoes, and you'll be okay. has some great charts on which veggies are better to eat. Always aim for more color variety to hit all the nutrients.

    All that being said, most folks on keto, once they are fat adapted, can easily go up to 50 or more grams of carbs if the majority of those carbs are from veggies. The intention of a nutritionally ketogenic diet is not to eliminate veggies, but some fruits, sugars, and all grains.

    I know that one of the biggest factors you always here in autoimmune is gluten. If you haven't already removed that, I would recommend it. Supplementing to hit anything you're missing, and likely, considering AiP - autoimmune protocol - for elimination and such, might work in your favor as well.