Dumb Question - is a carb...a carb?....

RhiannonBecks Posts: 189 Member
edited November 2016 in Social Groups
Hi guys, so question, I logged my breakfast/lunch & my planned dinner for this evening, based on my macros of 75%fat, 20% protein, 5% carbs. I have 240 cals left & 25 grams of fat left, but am at 21 carbs for the day---the kicker, the majority came from the broccoli I had at lunch? So when I say, is a carb a carb....am I ok if am slightly over d/t fibrous veggies? ( I already reduced the fiber manually for my total count). Just being so new looking for some advice on how you all view things! Thanks :)


  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    I find that carbs from something broccoli don't hit me the same way as say a slice of regular bread, but it is a very individual thing. I don't worry if I go up and over because of non starchy veggie carbs. But it seems that the whole carbs versus net carbs is a huge argument, so I tend to keep an eye on both... so maybe 50 total, 25 net or something. There are experts on both sides.

    So I'll typically subtract fiber, but only half or less of sugar alcohols as they still have some impact, worse for some of us than others...
  • TheAncientMariner
    TheAncientMariner Posts: 444 Member
    Personally, I wouldn't make it a habit. Every once in a while should be fine.
  • carom
    carom Posts: 188 Member
    I agree with @KnitOrMiss - if its from non starchy veges and you are not over by too much, I wouldn't worry about it.
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    Different people's bodies respond differently. Listen to your body and what it tells you about the source of the carbs you are eating, then respond appropriately. :)