Day 3 - Poke a fork in it...coz you are DONE...LOL



  • beachbriel
    beachbriel Posts: 70 Member
    Hey buddies!

    I was surprised to see that my endurance was up today after I got warmed up.

    I need to buy a measuring tape... Walmart? Target?
  • beachbriel
    beachbriel Posts: 70 Member
    Day 3 DONE!! I did better than the previous days - definitely less sore. I find that I loosen up and my performance improves after the first 5 minutes of the DVD. I think I need more than a 3 min warm-up. 27 more days!! Good idea on taking measurements. I'll do that today.

    Good idea about the warm up... I think I will warm up before the video tomorrow bc my legs are sore and those first jumping jacks are really hard on stiff muscles.
  • JustDeena
    JustDeena Posts: 40 Member
    Day 3 is officially done for me now, I was traveling yesterday so there was no time for it so I rested, although I did do a couple jogging sprints at a rest stop on the way home, I was getting stiff from all the sitting in the car.

    Today was better, and no real pain since I rested yesterday (which made it easier to muscle through). I do think for some of the moves I definitely could use some 5lb weights over the 2 lb ones I am currently using. I plan to due 2 more days, rest Sunday then try to get 5 in a row. I will probably follow the same pattern for the other 2 levels as well.
  • 84babe
    84babe Posts: 34 Member
    Good morning.... I got day 3 completed yesterday and also did hip hop abs after it... Will get on day 4 tonight