Let's get this thing STARTED!

Welcome to the 2016 Holiday Challenge support group! We are SO glad you are here. Let's get the discussions going by sharing your goals and what you are looking forward to the most. Any strategies or tricks for other participants? Share those too!
We are all in this together!


  • My schedule this week means I can't go to my normal fitness classes--so I'm going to do a little bit each day, just something! Finished my 15 minutes of yoga so that was a start.
  • madifehling
    madifehling Posts: 71 Member
    Way to go! That's a great way to be flexible and plan ahead. Even trying different types of exercises- like yoga-- very impressive! Keep us updated with how this week goes for you and any tips for others! :smiley:
  • Pammie8819
    Pammie8819 Posts: 2 Member
    I have rekindled my walking partner commitment to walk a mile at lunch at work. Trying to get my 10,000 steps in a day. Packed my veggies for afternoon snack.
  • madifehling
    madifehling Posts: 71 Member
    That is wonderful, Pammie8819! What a great idea to have a walk (especially a mile!) over the lunch break. And that you have someone to support you and hold you accountable is a huge plus! Let us know how it goes and other strategies you incorporate as well. We love the idea of veggies for a snack- carrots and hummus is an easy and filling option!
  • gloriakent11
    gloriakent11 Posts: 2 Member
    I tend to gain weight every holiday. I have accepted that it is acceptable. However, I am hoping to maintain at a minimum this Holiday season. So far I have lost a pound. I usually wait to do all of my copying at one time. Now, as I need copies, I stop, and go to the copier, and get it done. This has increased my steps a whole lot.
  • gloriakent11
    gloriakent11 Posts: 2 Member
    Pammie8819 wrote: »
    I have rekindled my walking partner commitment to walk a mile at lunch at work. Trying to get my 10,000 steps in a day. Packed my veggies for afternoon snack.

    I think that is Awesome; i haven't reached there. I need to. My Achille's Hill is SUGAR. I don't feel a meal is complete without a sugary dessert! I'm working on that!
  • Gammagirl5
    Gammagirl5 Posts: 7 Member
    I usually walk everyday at lunch, either inside or outside depending on the weather. My goal is to get 10,000 or more steps a day! The ladies in my office have been very supportive of me on my weight loss journey. I have lost 25 lbs since April! Have 8 more to loss hopefully by December 31, but main goal is not to gain!
  • annice_w
    annice_w Posts: 1 Member
    My schedule this week means I can't go to my normal fitness classes--so I'm going to do a little bit each day, just something! Finished my 15 minutes of yoga so that was a start.

    Another option I love is the Nike Training Club app. They have dozens of workouts, ranging from 5 minutes to 45 minutes. When I can't make it to the gym or out to run, it's my go-to.
  • hmaclindstr
    hmaclindstr Posts: 1 Member
    I'm excited to stay motivated this holiday season! The sweets are my downfall! One of the biggest things for me is meal planning. I plan a menu every week, prep what I can and make healthy snacks for the week. The kiddos help and get choose as well and the whole family gets involved. We shop according to the plan. I also got rid of all ice cream, sugar, cookies and sweets in the house.....my challenge is the office and the holiday pot lucks and random treats. I can't say no!
  • madifehling
    madifehling Posts: 71 Member
    I tend to gain weight every holiday. I have accepted that it is acceptable. However, I am hoping to maintain at a minimum this Holiday season. So far I have lost a pound. I usually wait to do all of my copying at one time. Now, as I need copies, I stop, and go to the copier, and get it done. This has increased my steps a whole lot.

    What a fabulous idea, Gloria! Thank you for sharing, I think I will have to use that idea myself. And this year will be a different year than the rest- we are here supporting your weight maintenance and we know you can do it! :) Keep up the great work!
  • madifehling
    madifehling Posts: 71 Member
    Pammie8819 wrote: »
    I have rekindled my walking partner commitment to walk a mile at lunch at work. Trying to get my 10,000 steps in a day. Packed my veggies for afternoon snack.

    I think that is Awesome; i haven't reached there. I need to. My Achille's Hill is SUGAR. I don't feel a meal is complete without a sugary dessert! I'm working on that!

    I feel the same way-- and that is a hard habit to break! I found chewing a piece of sugar free gum after a meal helps with this craving. You can do it!
  • madifehling
    madifehling Posts: 71 Member
    annice_w wrote: »
    My schedule this week means I can't go to my normal fitness classes--so I'm going to do a little bit each day, just something! Finished my 15 minutes of yoga so that was a start.

    Another option I love is the Nike Training Club app. They have dozens of workouts, ranging from 5 minutes to 45 minutes. When I can't make it to the gym or out to run, it's my go-to.

    YES! We love the Nike Training Club app, it is so helpful and easy to use. Thank you for sharing this great resource!
  • madifehling
    madifehling Posts: 71 Member
    I'm excited to stay motivated this holiday season! The sweets are my downfall! One of the biggest things for me is meal planning. I plan a menu every week, prep what I can and make healthy snacks for the week. The kiddos help and get choose as well and the whole family gets involved. We shop according to the plan. I also got rid of all ice cream, sugar, cookies and sweets in the house.....my challenge is the office and the holiday pot lucks and random treats. I can't say no!

    WOW!!!!! That is incredible, look at you go!! Meal planning is huge as it is so helpful throughout the week and saves time, money.... and calories. And it's great to hear you have your family and kids supporting you, you are very fortunate! Love the sugar purge- especially this time of year it seems we keep accumulating more and more sweets. The office can be tricky, try letting your coworkers know about your goals, create a "no food-dumping" policy, find a buddy to hold each other accountable, keep your own "sweet" treats available like frozen grapes if you have a refrigerator, or avoid the break room/treat area if you can. You can do it!!