Thanksgiving Day - not week, right?

Philtex Posts: 961 Member
Okay Goadies, we all plan to enjoy Thanksgiving Dinner on Thanksgiving Day, right? No Thanksgiving weekend, week or season - are you with me?


  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,103 Member
    Absolutely. Not a "holi-week" for me but basically one meal.
  • gadgetgirlIL
    gadgetgirlIL Posts: 1,381 Member
    That's how I've been approaching the holidays since 2011 when I was on my way back down the scale.
  • Calvin2008Brian
    Calvin2008Brian Posts: 1,024 Member
    I might need one or two or seven more reminders, but, yeah, I'm with you.
  • imastar2
    imastar2 Posts: 6,019 Member
    edited November 2016
    Absolutely I'm in. Just the one day Thanksgiving Day is the only day I may over eat the one meal. I've blown it the last 4 months. No season here I've already had my season.
  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,584 Member
    Agreed, but I still need to manage the day
  • leeless511
    leeless511 Posts: 243 Member
    With you! This year (since my family has shrunk significantly) we are going to a nice restaurant, meaning no leftovers. So it literally will be one meal. The only potential re-visit of food is a small Thanksgiving like meal on Sunday with just my husband and I -- but very manageable from a overeating perspective because I am controlling the cooking and portions.
  • Jimb376mfp
    Jimb376mfp Posts: 6,232 Member
    Agreed... BUT

    Our family tradition is Wed-Sat together at my oldest son's house with grandkids and two other sons with their SO.

    Our DIL fixes a great Thanksgiving meal and fabulous desserts. This year I will again concentrate of portions and making the better choices. Right now I'm a little more motivated after my third WI in a row with a + rather than a - sign.
    I plan to WI on Wed morning and enjoy my family more than the food.
  • countcurt
    countcurt Posts: 593 Member
    Yeah, it's a day. Actually, two. The sandwich on Friday is the food highlight.

    Generally, though, we eat out on T'day so the food is a more focused part of the day. If we eat home, I do the cooking. Other than the pumpkin pie (which my wife does make every year), nobody in my house is particularly fond of any traditional calorie-bomb, so it's usually a pretty simple meal- soup or salad, Turkey, green vegetable and either baked sweet potato or rice. My kids don't like stuffing and would never go within miles of that green bean casserole dish you see everywhere. If I remember, I buy a small container of the cranberry stuff for my wife and me- yup, my kids won't touch the stuff.
  • 0ysterboy
    0ysterboy Posts: 192 Member
    "The sandwich on Friday is the food highlight"

  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    I wish mine was only a day sometimes...

    Tomorrow I leave for my Grandma's house. We have a celebratory dinner with her and another one with the extended family down there. On Wednesday I then travel back home so my SO can take us to my in-laws to stay with them through Sunday.

    It's not so much the meals themselves as it is staying in other people's homes for over a week. It's definitely harder to plan for success in someone else's kitchen. I'm committed to making better choices....but it is 9 days of near constant temptation so it's not easy.
  • minimyzeme
    minimyzeme Posts: 2,708 Member
    Yup, count me in!
  • Calvin2008Brian
    Calvin2008Brian Posts: 1,024 Member
    countcurt wrote: »
    Yeah, it's a day. Actually, two. The sandwich on Friday is the food highlight.

    True. Also hard to bypass the annual "Pie for Breakfast Day" on Friday.
  • beachwoman2006
    beachwoman2006 Posts: 1,214 Member
    edited November 2016
    I try to remind myself that these are holiDAYS and not holiWEEKS or holiMONTHS.

    Like CountCurt I, along with some friends, usually eat at one of the local restaurants on Thanksgiving so it's only one meal and there are no leftovers to contend with.
  • mr_sandyman
    mr_sandyman Posts: 187 Member
    Leave the leftovers at church building for us. Bring only empty dishes home.

    That's my story and I'm sticking to it!