Weekly Weigh-in: 11-21-16 American Food Holiday Edition

Variant3 Posts: 44 Member
Happy Monday!

For Americans, Thanksgiving is this Thursday. We've all got to try to take it easy on that good good food!

B) Have a good week everyone! B)


  • Variant3
    Variant3 Posts: 44 Member
    Previous: 261.1 lbs (2 weeks ago)
    Current: 257.9 lbs
    Change: -3.2 lbs

    I'm sure some of that is just daily fluctuation, but I'm still happy to see those numbers on my low end. Cutting down on sugar has helped quite a bit.

    Keep up the great work everyone!
  • ColtonrDaniels
    ColtonrDaniels Posts: 125 Member
    Oh boy this week is going to be the worst for me. I literally wish I could give food away. Dinner at my Aunts, at my dads, and at my mother in law. I will probably eat light but I'm more worried about the next few days because of all the left-overs.

    Has been a bit stressful this week because I have decided to move to Orlando next year so it's going to take some planning to get ready. I got a contract job as a QA tester and hoping to get a few more games tested in the next few months so once I move it will make Orlando even better to work at a game studio.

    Just wanted to say that I look forward every Monday to see where you folks are and how you're doing and I just hope you all keep the willpower because we are here for you.
  • Squirrelnaut
    Squirrelnaut Posts: 53 Member
    A decent loss last week, which helps make up for my gain the week before. Let's hope I can continue that through the thanksgiving holiday!

    Last Week: 327.2 lbs
    This Week: 323.6 lbs (-3.6 lbs)

    Starting GFB weight: 359.4
    Total lost with Team GFB: 35.8 lbs (grand total 91.4)
    Goal weight: 200
  • nigiokas
    nigiokas Posts: 19 Member
    Starting Weight: 292 lbs
    Last week: 283.5 lbs
    This week: 287 lbs
    Goal weight: 220 lbs for now

    Well the numbers don't lie. Not super happy about it but it could be worse I guess. These family gatherings have been a killer since my Mom likes to go overboard. Anyway I'm hoping I can eat better before Thanksgiving and then maybe I won't feel as guilty.

    Have a great Thanksgiving everyone! :smiley: