Emotional eating is killing me inside

I have wondered if I'm a emotional eater for years , have never joined a group or talked about this subject.

I can't take it know more so here it goes , my mother was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer may of last year at age 83 , she lived 8 months but i took care of her until 10 days before her death . she pushed new away , long storyi watched her die pretty much . i finally had to make her go tho hospice , i drove her there pretty much tho her death place . i never got a i love u or a hug or nothing . she shut me out . my father was taken out of the house 1 and 1/2 months after she was diagnosed he had psp very horrable illness . watching him die . he slow , he can't move or feed him aelf. Think or talk , i also got him tho the hospital so they woould see he was sick and i could not take care of him . so i lost both parent's

Too make things worse my mother died on my and husbands wedding anniversary are 19th . i can't get past it

Its jusr the day after thanksgiving and i miss her more then words cam say

So all I really want to do it at my house and anything around me sometimes I can stick to a good diet a couple weeks but then it's all over with

I hate the way I feel inside I can't stand myself or take it sorry for the long story but that's what made me get where I'm at right at this moment

My blood sugars are so high I just be staying on a carb diet a 30 carbs a meal the nutrition put me on did good for 2 weeks then all hell broke out which would be my mind don't really know how to handle emotional eating or how to get past it or if even I'm normal Kimberly


  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    Kimberly, I read your post above. I'm sorry you had to deal with so much and sorry for the loss of your mother. In my experience, the MFP system works if you follow it. I've struggled with emotional eating and binge eating most of y life. I've found that having a structured program (MFP) works for me. I just need to have the will-power to do it. I'm re-dedicating myself to doing it now that Thanksgiving is over. You owe it to yourself to take care of yourself. Good luck to you.
  • Gracedtimes2
    Gracedtimes2 Posts: 38 Member
    I understand. Sounds like you've been through sooo much life! I'm so sorry for the pain and grief of it all.
    Please give yourself credit for reaching out. Try to find some supportive, positive, and honest pals on MFP. It's helped me enourmously.
    I too am attempting to get a grasp on my eating after some trauma in my life, and yes, it seems because we are already sensitive from our very painful experiences, when stress or grief arises, carbs help to medicate and relieve our emotions and stress. So my goa, and it sounds like yours as well, is to move forward towards healing and embrace the beauty of life and learn to handle our emotions and stress without carb loading and eating.
    With that, I realize this journey won't be a straight line, and we need others to understand, encourage and inspire us along the way .
    Never give up! Please friend me if you'd like!