Falling off the wagon in the evenings



  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    I find that sipping on hot drinks in the evening is both filling and soothing. My personal choice is decaf coffee with half and half and various flavors of Skinny Syrup; very satisfying.

    Sunny_bunny: You are absolutely correct. Comparing our desire for, say, Twinkies with drug addiction or chemo puts things in a meaningful perspective. And, yes, for some of us "special treats" are not a realistic option.

    "Special treats" are definitely not a realistic option for me. There is a real addiction factor with sugar and processed carbs for me, I know that. But with my husband and my two oldest kids (teens) not on board with LC, there's always carby stuff of one kind or another in the house. I wish I could just get rid of it all, to help me break this addiction.

    I will try some of these ideas. I can't work out before dinner (the after school/before dinner time is a crazy time for the kids), but I could try most of the others -- especially gum or hot drinks.

    My husband can get away with a lot of stuff I can't eat. I have him keep that stuff in his closet in his computer room upstairs away from easy access for me. You might try that with your family? Out of sight, out of mind, might help.
  • treehugnmama
    treehugnmama Posts: 816 Member
    had a better night last night some tea and dark chocolate covered almonds (half a serving).