Eat This Much

jutymo Posts: 162 Member
I'm trying a new app that so far I like! I'm using the free version (Eat This Much is the name) and will for at least a month to make sure I'll use it. You can set up your diet type and macros (I've got my 80% fat, 15% protein, 5% carbs in there). Then you can tell it what foods you DON'T LIKE. It will give you a day of suggested meals including all ingredients and recipes that fits your criteria, i.e. for me my macros. If you don't like a recipe/meal, you just block that meal and it won't be suggested in the future.

So far, I've followed all suggestions for this week. I've liked 90% of the recipes suggested though I am cooking a little more than I usually do. Also, because of my dislikes it seems kind of heavy on soup recipes. But the soups I've made (3 so far) were really good. And none of the recipes are difficult or too many ingredients. And each 3 meals suggested have hit my macros exactly or very, very close.

Premium level does more; you can do more than a day at a time (free version will only do 3 meals at a time but you can regenerate as many times as you want). You can add recipes of your own and it will put them in where they fit. Does some other stuff too but I didn't pay much attention because I want to try the free version first. I just keep regenerating new menus, loading in to MFP for the next few days and grocery shop as needed. So I'm set for this week, will do next week this weekend. Premium allows you to meal plan for longer periods.


  • idocdlw
    idocdlw Posts: 208 Member
    Thx...just downloaded so I have no opinion to like or not like. That will take at least a week. But I appreciate having another option. Thx for sharing!