Plans for the holidays



  • rachelr1116
    rachelr1116 Posts: 334 Member
    I'll be spending Christmas Eve and most of Christmas Day at my mom's house with family. My mom is completely against drinking so I won't have a hard time saying "no" when there isn't even anything in the house to say "yes" to.

    I had committed to staying sober for November except my birthday and didn't manage to do that but I just realized that I haven't had any alcohol since November 25 and now we're halfway through December. I've told my best friend that I'm cutting back as much as possible and she's being completely supportive. We are planning a New Year's Eve party and I know I will drink then but I think it will be like last year when we made fun mixed drinks and just sipped them all night. We did a 1920s theme and had a lot of fun finding recipes for actual cocktails from the 20s.
  • blwelch1
    blwelch1 Posts: 81 Member
    @rachelr1116 .. you are doing fantastic, and yes it is easy to not drink when their are no drinks in the house. :) your New Years Eve party sounds like fun. Way to stay strong
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    @blwelch1 YES!!!!!!! it goes down real quick....The inflammation too.....I may have ate more but I picked healthy stuff...A banana..a bowl of beans.a crispy salad...I lost an easy 15 lbs of water bloat and weight not drinking.....
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    My stopping antacid seems to be helping....I'm getting more nutrition....I don't wanna jink myself but anxiety is down ALOT....And I'm taking a multi vitamin now too...Hope I'm right....That anxiety was tearing me a new one.....holy moly....I stopped that statin.....Tonight will be fourth odd side effects as of yet...108 days sober today!!!!! Praise God!!!!!!! Thanks to all here supporting the cause....Weather you slip up or not.....We're here to support one another!!!!!!
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    Options more day done !!!!!! Best gift I've ever gave myself and family!!!!!
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    Dec 17th.......Still sober....How's everyone doing this month?
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    Dec 18 th.....Still going !!!!!!!! Still having some anxiety issues but that will pass over time..I waited to long to get sober!!!! I'm paying for it now...Used to be so easy to just stop a month or two...This time was no joke!!!!! Worst type of withdrawal!!!! But I'm surviving....Gonna live a whole lot longer...I sure hope along the way I can help just one person...just one... I'm here for any and all... Best to you!!!
  • tamera_g
    tamera_g Posts: 128 Member
    I am not doing so hot. I feel so stressed out and have no time to exercise or do anything for myself. By the end of the day I just want to relax and have a drink. Usually one or two but I have always been a lightweight but now my body can't handle any amount.

    I need more ideas on how to unwind without the "help" of alcohol. I feel SO FRUSTRATED lately.
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    @tamera_g I use an adult coloring book with fine point sharpie markers...And at bed time I listen to Jason Stevenson meditation.... Sometimes I just sweep the floors....Takes my mind off my extreme stress...I totally understand...My daughter said today for me to get a word search ....So I'm gonna try that too...I do enjoy coloring....It's very relaxing...Or if you do crafts maybe grab supplies and plan a time every day if you can to spend an hour winding down with that...I'm rooting for you...YOU GOT THIS....KEEP TRYING....OX
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    I wanted to add...I use to be a lightweight too....Then built up a tolerance...And then a reverse tolerance....I could drink just one and throw it up...Was my body telling me something was wrong but I didn't listen to it...I just kept on...Until it just about killed me...I didn't have a choice to get sober really....Well I did....but if I had I wouldn't be writing to you now....I would be dead...I don't know your history...But I'm 53 and spent my life with alcohol..From the very moment I was conceived....drunk egg..drunk sperm... Whisky in my baby bottles to sleep.?.And at age 4 started drinking the feel good red juice in moms fridge..Me and my brothers...So I am a true born alcoholic!!!!! When I got sober this time I went thru pure hell....... Convulsions... seizures... tremors... Hallucination..Bloody vomit and diarrhea....BAD SICK!!!!!!! If you can find a way now in your life to learn to cope with your stress...I URGE YOU PLEASE!!!!!! FIND A WAY!!!! It will take a toll on you....Already is...Most don't live to tell their story....You just read about people like myself in the papers...FOUND DEAD!!!!! I didn't wanna die drunk..So I am fighting this with all I got...I suffer panic attacks...Oh how I hate them...Yet it's a constant reminder of why I chose to never drink again....Fear and panic can't kill you....But alcohol will....can...does..And if it don't put you in your grave you become one of the walking dead...Just numb to all things that are YOUR LIFE!!!!! I hope and pray you will find your way...DEMAND!!!!! A minute to yourself..Put you number one....We do do much for others...Now is the time to be selfish!!!!! Take it....oxox
  • tamera_g
    tamera_g Posts: 128 Member
    Day 2 and going go
  • tamera_g
    tamera_g Posts: 128 Member
    Day 2 and going good. I have found some time for myself and I am not so busy. Thank you for all the advice onsickmom. I am definitely going to stay away from alcohol for a while. It's funny, in an ironic sort of way. I Am the type of person that can just have one drink. Now that One drink is making me feel bad. Ugh, so frustrating!
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    @tamera_g thats great!!!!!! 2 days!!!!!! Soon you will say 2 weeks...then months....I'm happy you found some quiet time.....So proud of you....oxox
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    Wow I can't believe this month is almost over!!!!! I do believe I'm gonna make it!!!!! Been 115 days just a few days I can happily say 4 months!!!!! Amen!!!!! Hasn't been a cake walk...But it's been worth every crappy day....Like today..I just feel lifeless...And just snuggling up in my blankets....Might feel better in an hour..might not...But I'm sober...And that's good enough for me today !!!!
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    Another gloomy cloudy day...I know most want a white Christmas!!!! It is beautiful!!!! I just want to be warm and see the sunshine...Dec 23 Rd.....still sober...Amen!!!
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    Another day... Christmas Eve.....wanna get drunk as hell and drive into a ditch!!! I'm sick of being alone fighting this illness of mine!!!! Cant find peace when 7 kids are in the house..And a hubby that thinks all is funny...I'm not going to Christmas tonight...gonna stay home alone where it's quiet....Just want some quiet!!!!!!!!!!!
  • tamera_g
    tamera_g Posts: 128 Member
    Christmas can be an emotional time; both good feelings and bad. Kids had fun, hubby didn't quite measure up. Wishing I could be with family that lives far away. Just trying to keep calm and breath.
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    @tamera_g I hear you family is 2000 miles away..It's heartbreaking time for me...But have my girls and grandkids here..Or I'd just hop in a car and fly home...Hugs to you....I'm happy to see a message here from you..cold
  • tamera_g
    tamera_g Posts: 128 Member
    So I had a glass of wine yesterday with my husband and mother -in-law. Only one and I didn't feel any bad afterwards. One glass on New Year's and no more alcohol for a while.
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    One glass....?I wish I could do defiantly have will power