New guy.

Hi. I just posted a few things because mostly, I simply can't shut up if I think something I have to say might actually help someone.


I was diagnosed about five years ago, Type II. Did pretty good with it for a while and learned a LOT by reading similar forums. One of the things that helped me the most was logging everything in a little notebook and I had fantastic results in the process.

Then I started school a short time later and everything went to you-know-where in a handbasket. Bleah.

So, since I have a computer in my pocket now, I d/l'd MFP and started using it a couple of days ago to try to get back on track. Still reserving my opinion of the software itself but it seems workable and it seems to give me the logging and tracking that keeps me abreast of how I'm doing so far.

Right now, I have my diary set to private. After I have some substantial data, I'll open it up, otherwise, it just doesn't seem to make sense at the moment.

Looking forward to reading and, hopefully, making a worthwhile contribution here.

My best to everyone,



  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    Glad to have you join us. MFP has been a great tool for me, helping with keeping track of carbs in particular. I hope you find it to be helpful as well.
  • RaineyLaney
    RaineyLaney Posts: 605 Member
    Welcome aboard. I too use to keep my foods logged in a notebook, then I found MFP. I don't have the phone app, but use the computer. I just love logging on MFP. I pre-plan my meals out and can balance out all my carb's, proteins etc. If I am too high or low on a value, I can play around with it, till I get my numbers where I want them. Once I have my day completed, I stick to it 100%. If for some reason, life gets in the way (which is rare), I will then edit my diary to what I had to end up eating, but this has only happened a few times.

    Again, Welcome to the group :)
  • louwags
    louwags Posts: 6
    Thanks for the welcome!
