Confused about Keto- help please!!

So far on my weight loss journey I have lost 35lbs. This was done by cutting back on carbs (like bread, pasta etc) and eating more clean. I upped my fruit intake and healthy fats and lean protein. I feel like I'm stuck and not making more progress and I've heard a lot about Keto and wanted to give it a try! But I'm so confused on how it works. I've read the science behind it but I'm trying to convince myself that I'll lose weight by eating butter and cheese but not fruit? My mind just doesn't want to agree because I've read how people cut back on things like that to lose weight by Keto encourages foods I would normally avoid. I wan to try it because I still would like to lose 70 more lbs but I need help getting in the mindset. How has Keto helped you? I love fruit and giving that up seems wrong


  • helocat
    helocat Posts: 40 Member
    Here is a great 1hr video with the breakdown and science behind Keto and why.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    edited December 2016
    Fruit in the current forms is actually just nature's version of Candy. It should be restricted to a dessert and occasional item only, preferably by season, as nature intended. has some great info showing what fruit really used to look like before we started trying to fix it and make it better. It's actually quite shocking. There are almost NO nutrients that you can get from fruit that you can't get from a healthier vegetable.

    That being said, I bet the link above is a good one. Generally, a ketogenic diet is not necessarily better or worse for anyone without metabolic issues. If you have metabolic issues, it generally helps to restrict the items that cause your system stress, overwork, or nutritional deficiencies. I have learned that if you've ever gained enough weight to be at the high end of an overweight BMI or higher, ever struggled to lose weight, ever fight with being hungry shortly after a meal, ever have sweets or salt cravings, fight with nutrient deficiencies, have hearthburn/indigestion, or any other of a number of issues, you likely have some form of low metabolic function or metabolic dysfunction.

    Fat is not your enemy. It was vilified by corporations back in the 50's in order to market their products better. It is the combination of high fats and high carbs that is dangerous. High carbs paired with low fats and moderate protein works for many people. High fats paired with lower carbs and moderate protein works for many people as well. It really depends on your needs, but the main issue at hand is that nearly all folks do very poorly with a high carb and high fat combinations, even if it is not immediately apparent.

    Fat is crucial for brain function, hormone production, nutrient absorption, and many other issues. "Keto Clarity" by Jimmy Moore and Dr. Eric Westman is said to be a great read that explains much of this... Good luck in your research, @carolineorr97
  • carolineorr97
    carolineorr97 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you for your help! I will watch that video! I think i might have a metabolic issue because I struggle with a lot of what you said.. I am eager to try this WOE and hopefully will discover some tasty recipes along the way!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Oh, and after you get any cravings under control, berries and stone fruits (things like peaches, with a stone in the center), they can be worked into a keto diet in moderation... So it's not like you'll never again be able to eat fruit... You just won't gorge on it, etc.