How quickly should I increase my calories? Help please

Hi guys,

I'm new here and after further reading realise I probably need a metabolic reset. I've been eating around 1500/1650 cals for the past few weeks. Initially I saw some weight loss but then no movement at all. I then increased my calories to 1800 daily, however I need to continue increasing to reach TDEE.

The calculator states:
my BMR is 1942
my TDEE is 3011
my 15% deficit is 2559.

So I need to increase from 1800 to 3011, how so you recommend I do this? I was going to try increasing by 100 calories a week (as recommended) however I'm absolutely petrified of gaining additional weight, but I know I need to be patient and do this right.

As I have been overeating pretty consistently prior to my recent calorie cut I'm hoping I won't need to eat at TDEE for too long.

I'd really appreciate any advice anyone has. I'm struggling with this new philosophy, and trying not to think this will just lead to more longterm weight gain.



  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Welcome to the group!
    The first step is realizing that you have metabolic damage and you want to correct it. Some people chose to go up slowly with their cals, going 100 each week or so. Others, like myself ripped the bandaid and went on a feeding frenzy and jumped up high, fast. There is no right way to increasing the cals, but a lot of people who can't handle seeing big jumps in the scale find going slowly up makes a big difference on what the scale would say.
    Second step is realizing that it is very likely you will see the scale go up during a reset. If this is something you cannot mentally handle, I would urge you to put the scale away for a while.

    Also know, that any gains that occur, arent FROM the reset. They are pounds that your body would have eventually gained back when you stopped doing whatever fad diet you went on last. All diets "work" in the sense they can help you lose weight. But what they don't do is help you keep it off. So its important to know that your goal in a reset phase is to get your metabolism burning properly again, and fueling your body correctly and with the right amount of fuel. The end goal for almost everyone is to be able to never "diet" again and to be able to enjoy all kinds of food and occasions and never worry about cutting things out because of whatever "diet" you are on.

    lastly, know that resetting will not give you fat loss, or scale losses. Resetting is eating at your maintenance level, which means when you hit that TDEE, you want to maintain your weight there. Fat loss will occur during a Cut phase. So know that when resetting, the goal is NOT to have a scale loss at all.

    This article might help you understand what to expect during a reset phase

    Hope this helps to get your started

    EM2WL Ambassador and Moderator
  • carlavaughan
    carlavaughan Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks so much for your thorough reply @Raynn1. I'm expecting to gain weight through this phase, and you're right, I'll probably hide the scales for a few weeks. I'm just scared that any gain will throw me off mentally if I jump up my calories too quickly. My brain is just so conditioned to believe that if i eat more, I'll gain more and I'll have to struggle to remove that weight in addition to what I've already got.
    At the same time I'm ready to "just do this" and get rid of the excess weight once and for all. Patience is so something I've never really had :D I question my calorie increase everyday, so I have to keep reminding myself that this is the right thing to do.

    Thanks again.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    @carlavaughan thats diet mentality at play:) Thats why its important to keep that scale away, especially if you know you wont be able to mentally handle seeing an increase on it. So don't give it the opportunity to:) The mental game is THE hardest thing to overcome in this. When you feel that mentality creeping up, just remember this is not a quick fix, and this may not seem "right", but this will be the compound effect that will allow you the diet freedom in years to come. To be able to never fret over how many calories something is, or if you overindulged at a party and how to "make it up".. and never to worry about skipping dessert or meals. Keep at it, and remind yourself the end goal isnt 6 months from now, or even a year from now. its the set up for life.

    EM2WL Ambassador and Moderator
  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    You can take your calories up at whatever speed is comfortable for you. 50 calories a week, 100 calories a week, 200 calories a week, main thing is that you are comfortable with it.
    Some people reach TDEE within a couple of months, others creep their way their over a year or so.
    It's your life. You decide. Just make sure it's not diet mentality deciding for you!
    You can push through this! Recognising that you need a reset is a HUGE win just by itself.
    EM2WL ambassador and moderator