Week 2!

crimsongrey Posts: 329 Member
If week one was successful, terrific! If it wasn't quite as planned, today is a great day to recommit! We can do this!


  • crimsongrey
    crimsongrey Posts: 329 Member
    Looking at my schedule and the weather for the week, here is my plan: Mon- workout and ride, Tues-workout and ride, Wed- off (taking boys to the farrier which is an all day event), Thurs-workout (no ride-too cold), Fri- workout and ride, Sat-ride, Sun-workout (too cold to ride). So, that's 5 workouts and 4 rides. Of course, this all depends on the weather. Hopefully, it won't get too cold and I can get that 5th ride in...although, my horse hopes otherwise ;)
  • cessi0909
    cessi0909 Posts: 654 Member
    I love it and it's true!! Lately when I've been struggling during a workout I will picture myself at the pool next summer. Our community has two awesome pools and my neighborhood has beautiful mommas/women and a lot of them are very fitness focused.

    My week schedule is: Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday doing the circuit workouts I've been doing at the gym in our office. I workout with a coworker. The gym at work is actually really nice IMO. On Tuesday this week I'll go ride after that.
    I'm also committing to walking my dog each day. I either go before work or come home on lunch. The mornings have been a bit too cold and sprinkling. Like today it's a weird wet fog which is unlike Colorado
  • snookb276
    snookb276 Posts: 121 Member
    I'm going to repeat last week's goal of 3 yoga sessions and add on whatever I can...walking and extra yoga sessions. I usually get a lot of exercise on my job too with lots of walking and lifting during my 12 hour shift. I will recommit to healthy eating. I've been focusing on a Mediterranean diet.
  • showjumper
    showjumper Posts: 335 Member
    This week I am aiming for 3 runs and 5 rides on one horse minimum....... it will all depend on the weather and everyone elses work schedules if I get to ride the little horse. I will be incorporating the Bowflex M5 Max trainer I won through our work fitness program! Here's hoping my first stint of 14 min won't knock me out for the rest of the week!
    thanks again @crimsongrey for your support and motivation!!
  • crimsongrey
    crimsongrey Posts: 329 Member
    ok ladies, I've already run into an issue with this week's plan :( I feel like crap...chills, achy, headache, lethargic, etc. There is no way I can workout today and I ended up not riding. I am determined to be true to my commitments for the week so I will fit in a ride after the farrier on Wednesday and a workout on Saturday. What I need from all of you is to call me out on it on Tuesday night and Saturday morning! I'll be leaving my house at 5 am on Wednesday so if y'all want to remind me on Tuesday night that I have goals and commitments, I'd really appreciate it!
  • crimsongrey
    crimsongrey Posts: 329 Member
    Day 2 of week 2: Slept most of the day yesterday and well through the night. Feeling a little better this morning so I'm off to the barn to get my ride in. Hopefully, with some tylenol I will get a light workout in later today. Have a productive and healthy day :smile:
  • cessi0909
    cessi0909 Posts: 654 Member
    So sorry you aren't feeling well. I hope it's short lived
  • snookb276
    snookb276 Posts: 121 Member
    Yes, hope you are feeling better soon.
  • crimsongrey
    crimsongrey Posts: 329 Member
    Thanks guys, I am feeling better. Had a great ride this morning! I am beyond thrilled with how well my horse is going right now. A few months ago I was dreading the thought of having to sell him because we just couldn't click. Now there is definitely hope...knock on wood!
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    :) my poor pony doesn't know what is going on! ha ha I started him back in to figure 8s and circles and intense pony trotting strides and cantering. xD he is in pony boot camp with me! He is use to our basic W/T/C, leg yeilds and practicing stopping at X and listening to the leg and doing his corners.
  • snookb276
    snookb276 Posts: 121 Member
    @crimsongrey It's a great feeling when things start to come together!
  • crimsongrey
    crimsongrey Posts: 329 Member
    The bad news, I didn't feel well enough to get a workout in yesterday. The good news, today I feel much better and find myself really sad that I missed a workout. I never would have cared that much before, but now that I'm seeing results, I might be addicted :) Have a great day everyone!
  • showjumper
    showjumper Posts: 335 Member
    @crimsongrey glad your feeling better!

  • luckypony71
    luckypony71 Posts: 399 Member
    This week I would love to be able to ride once. It has been 9 days since I have been on my horse. It is hard for me to both ride and go to the gym. So tonight will be a no gym night and hopefully I will be able to hop on my mare for a few minutes before dark.

    I would like to get 5 days of gym time in. Have gotten 2 done so far.
  • snookb276
    snookb276 Posts: 121 Member
    I'm getting yoga in nearly everyday now that I have set goals. Strange how that works. I'm adding meditation with a goal of doing it daily too. Found a great free app called Breathe. It's a good way to create some space for self. Can't wait for winter to be over and get back to riding. The horses were having a fun time romping in the snow this morning.
  • showjumper
    showjumper Posts: 335 Member
    @snookb276 I think seeing horses frolicking and romping in the snow is so amazing! Such a beautiful sight full of power and grace...
  • snookb276
    snookb276 Posts: 121 Member
    @showjumper It was very awesome! My mare is 17 and pretty chill most of the time but she was the instigator today. Lol
  • crimsongrey
    crimsongrey Posts: 329 Member
    @snookb276 good for you on your goals. You're going to be so balanced and centered in the spring when you get to ride more often :smile:
  • crimsongrey
    crimsongrey Posts: 329 Member
    The farrier took way too long yesterday (I drive about 2 hours each way to go there) and the weather is not cooperating so I'm off to the gym for an early morning workout. Have a great day!
  • crimsongrey
    crimsongrey Posts: 329 Member
    Back on track today with the workouts, but dang it's cold! I won't ride if it's colder than 20F in the indoor. Hopefully I can ride tomorrow. How's everyone doing on their goals for the week? A lot of us will have busy schedules this weekend, the last weekend before Christmas. Do you have plans to stay on track with your fitness, food and rides? I plan to make sure I spend one hour each day doing some type of workout to counteract the stress of Christmas shopping....I haven't started yet :blush: