Week 2!



  • crimsongrey
    crimsongrey Posts: 329 Member
    showjumper wrote: »
    @crimsongrey glad your feeling better!


    at what point do my clothes notice?! My stupid dressage coat is still too tight and it's been almost 2 full weeks. lol
  • crimsongrey
    crimsongrey Posts: 329 Member
    Yay! Finally got a ride in and he was great again :smiley: Also made it to the gym before the freezing rain started. Hopefully, I won't be stuck at home all weekend. Ugh, winter.
  • luckypony71
    luckypony71 Posts: 399 Member
    Got 4 trips to the gym done this week. Even went last night after my granddaughter's Christmas pageant. It was late, but I stayed an hour. Cardio and core. Went home and straight to bed. Tomorrow hubby and I will be going to the gym in the morning so that makes 5. Managed to get on my mare once this week.
  • crimsongrey
    crimsongrey Posts: 329 Member
    wow, @luckypony71 great job! Impressive :smile:
  • snookb276
    snookb276 Posts: 121 Member
    @crimsongrey Still working on some Christmas shopping too. I did one day of power shopping last week. Lol. Gift cards are a
  • cessi0909
    cessi0909 Posts: 654 Member
    Week 2 kicked my butt and not in a good, I worked out a lot way :|
    Work was super crazy, it was freezing on my barn night so I only did a light hack and no other workouts. I also ate like crap.
    Next week WILL be better.
  • crimsongrey
    crimsongrey Posts: 329 Member
    @cessi0909 with work, the holidays and the weather, this is a rough time of year for everyone trying to ride and workout. I hope it's easier for you this weekend and next week :)

    The weather has definitely not been helpful here, but I've been lucky to have been able to ride the past couple of days. Tomorrow's high temp is predicted to be 3F so I'm thinking I'll spend a good portion of the day at the gym. I guess that's a good thing :wink:
  • cessi0909
    cessi0909 Posts: 654 Member
    @crimsongrey Cold here too. I do need to shovel today so that will get my butt up & moving. Also need to stop in the barn to do a check. The horse I ride, Dragon, was stopping a lot Friday -- not super like him so my SIL asked me to trot him out and make sure he feels ok.
  • snookb276
    snookb276 Posts: 121 Member
    I'm counting week 2 as a win. Did 3 yoga sessions, 12,000 steps in on my work nights and started meditation daily. Only thing horse related sadly was cleaning stalls.
  • crimsongrey
    crimsongrey Posts: 329 Member
    Great job @snookb276 ! My week was mildly successful. 4 workouts and 3 rides. I count chores at the barn on Saturday as a workout since there were a lot of extras to do thanks to the really crappy weather. Even the drive to/from the barn felt like a workout because the roads were so bad! I'm really bummed about the riding, but luckily I am staying pretty fit and my TB doesn't need to be overly fit to run novice ;) Four weeks until I get to go to Aiken to run and jump things!!!
  • snookb276
    snookb276 Posts: 121 Member
    @crimsongrey Similar weather here. You still got a lot of rides and exercise in! I will be going to Aiken with you in spirit. Lol The owners of my old boarding stable moved to Aiken after their indoor arena collapsed under the snow load a few years back.