Determined December 2016: Week 3 (12/15-12/21)



  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    edited December 2016
    Sorry I've been absent, y'all. I've been reading your posts. I'm just stinkin' busy. Kids are being squirrely. My sis is coming in to visit and I have to order this wreck of a house. I'm being good and doing the thing. More work to do before her flight comes in this afternoon. TTFN.

    And stay off the Naughty List! :wink:
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    I've been up to all kinds of no good!
    Still So excited for Christmas. We get the last week of the year off from work!! That's going to be even more fun!

    Going out to lunch with the Boss today. UG!! I should look at it like a free lunch at a great restaurant. Instead, I'm kinda dreading it. The whole department is going. Lots of awkward silence and over enthusiasm in praise of the food when it finally arrives. "Oh, so what did you get?" "O My, that looks delicious!!" Me: "It's a sandwich without the bread" .. HAHAHA.
  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    I have a few days to catch up on...


    Calories 1048

    Carbs 29

    Got walk in!

    Had one bit of a sugar cookie my son and I baked...ONE BITE! lol

    Drank all my water!


    Calories 1069

    carbs 20


    Lots of water


    Calories 1166

    Carbs 4 (not sure how I was so low!)

    Water...not quite as much. Crazy day at work so I wasn't even thinking about it!

    So far hanging in there! Let's see how I do for Christmas Eve and Day :)

  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,593 Member
    I was good on eating until yesterday. Really fell off the wagon. However, I've been very active these past several days including painting my kitchen, shoveling my driveway, elliptical and a weightlifting class.

    Back on track today with meal planning and getting in my water.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    Doing the thing. And my weight isn't cooperating... :rage:
    I have family in and prep for Christmas...controlled chaos. Got a workout in yesterday. Carbs and cals were good. I have a feeling in January I'm going to have to go more hardcore if I want to see any more scale movement. My body is so stubborn. All I want is 1 more pound. Is that really too much to ask? Apparently.
    Oh well.
    Onward anyway. :smile:
    Staying on the Nice List.
    Not too hard...yet.
  • solska
    solska Posts: 348 Member
    Scale not moving is a big bummer. Maybe best to relax, take your mind off of it, and not weigh yourself till after the stress is over and then get in a couple of very disciplined weeks as you say. Enjoy having your family around!

    I wish I could resist weighing myself everyday at least on days I know for s fact the scale will go backwards. One of those days. It's less than a pound up but very discouraging when I need it to go down. I probably need to go back to logging to see the big picture and feel calm if I'm not overeating but just don't have the drive to do that. With logging that's sthg that makes a difference to me. I don't feel guilty about every bite when I know how much I'm eating.

    baconslave wrote: »
    Doing the thing. And my weight isn't cooperating... :rage:
    I have family in and prep for Christmas...controlled chaos. Got a workout in yesterday. Carbs and cals were good. I have a feeling in January I'm going to have to go more hardcore if I want to see any more scale movement. My body is so stubborn. All I want is 1 more pound. Is that really too much to ask? Apparently.
    Oh well.
    Onward anyway. :smile:
    Staying on the Nice List.
    Not too hard...yet.

  • Lillith32
    Lillith32 Posts: 483 Member
    Oh my gosh, you guysssssss. Dropped a pound (so I'm back to my starting weight of 173). At least it's going in the right direction! Also, starting to run again, which is such a relief. I was going nuts with the restriction. Here is hoping there will be another few lb drop in the near future.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    December goals:

    Under 50 net carbs :)

    Take a walk (can be subbed for other exercising) at least 3 days per week :)

    Limit Halo Top to no more than 4 nights a fits in my carbs but it's becoming a nightly habit.... :)

    Drink more liquids :|

    Maintain weight +/- 5 lbs for water retention/hormone fluctuations :)

    I'm super late checking in again but this was a good week. I took a walk and a couple of neighborhood jogs.