Last Week! Dec. 18-Dec. 25th!

Christmas is ONE week away ladies and gents! We have this! This week for many, is very challenging as there is lots of running around last minute things to do which can lead to stress and stress eating :) Enjoy yourselves and don't deny yourself a cookie or two. Everything in moderation.


  • TristansHawk
    TristansHawk Posts: 114 Member
    This week has been much better for me stress-wise as exams are done *happy dance*. However, I am in charge of baking which can be problematic haha. I am trying my best to not overeat on only treats and neglect actual healthy food!
  • woody350ep
    woody350ep Posts: 1 Member
    I'm not gonna make it, but I am still 15# and 50% to my goal with 4 weeks of the challenge under strict exercise restrictions by my chiropractor. It turns out I'm too old to do my workout first thing in the morning anymore lol. I threw it out and it's still on the mend but I'm able to do some things without restriction. This challenge has actually been a bit more of a challenge for me because I've had to focus more on diet control since I couldn't just do more cardio to offset some of the bad choices I would normally make. Ahh, to be 60# lighter again! Maybe I'll lose the rest of the 60 over next year. I'm down 30 since October 1 of this year so a little bit of splurging is coming due very soon :smiley:
  • bm1409
    bm1409 Posts: 1,715 Member
    I wont make my goal, but I am almost half way there so I am happy. My jeans feel comfortable (not tight anymore), and I can tell I lost a few inches. I hope this group continues and goes into spring :)
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Wishing everyone a wonderful week! :)