Eat, Train, Progress -- Patrick's Bio

SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
So I know many of you know me at least through my posting history here on Myfitnesspal, but given the size of the group I wanted to write a bit of information about myself especially given that I get a fair amount of coaching clients that come to me through this website.

My name is Patrick and I'm an online coach and personal trainer.

I have been coaching people in a one-on-one setting for about four years now, the first of those years being a free pilot program that I launched right here in this group, and I used that pilot program along with my efforts to continue my education, to refine the process and become good at coaching =)

I have an NASM personal training certification that I let lapse because I didn't agree with some of their teaching philosophies and as a secondary point I don't train people in a gym anymore.

I recently completed the shredded by science academy course which I thoroughly enjoyed.

I am a co-host on the Shredded By Science podcast in a segment called Fireside Chats with Lawrence Judd. Most of our recordings revolve around the Eat, Train, Progress facebook group and we do regular Q and A podcasts taking questions from our users.

I've also been a guest on the following podcasts:
SBS Radio (I did a podcast on food environment before being asked to co host a segment)
SideQuest Fitness with Robbie Farlow
Jay Scott Fitness
FitCast Radio (just did this yesterday, should be posted in January)

I don't have a lot of published written works as I don't think I'm a very good writer and my primary focus is on coaching people, but I do value writing and I'm pursuing more of it because it's a great way to reach more people and it's also good for bringing attention to my coaching.

Some of my less polished material is on my blog here at MFP:

I've written for Andy Morgan at and this article was voted top article of the week at the personal training development center which is an online resource for coaches/trainers. And so that was cool:

I've also contributed for Robert Aguero Hoffmans blog here:

I've got an article that hopefully will be up soon on Dr Spencer Nadolsky's blog once we fine tune a few things and I'm excited to share that one once it's up as I think it will be pretty helpful.

Finally, I was published in Alan Aragon's Research Review in the September 2016 edition but I cannot reproduce that content as it's exclusive to his subscribers, but I'll certainly brag to you about it, lol.

I encourage you to ask any questions you have either about me or my coaching philosophy, coaching history, etc. As far as actual training or diet related questions please check the Q and A thread in this group.