First Timer

java1824 Posts: 10 Member
Good morning. I am new to the group. I Recently I discovered that I am an emotional eater. It shocked me that I didn't know this until now and I am about enter another age bracket. We can all support and motivate one another.


  • PeaceBrat
    PeaceBrat Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there. I think people use the phrase "emotional eater" so lightly in society that we don't really think about it until we see it as a real problem. I hope you and i find the support here to overcome some of that struggle.
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    edited January 2017
    Welcome Java and Peacebrat. :) I have gotten support and help here from the others. So much honesty from the people who post. Also some of the topics have really good inspiration and insight about emotional eating and what we can do about it.