Anyone had success with zero exercising?

Jasmine_James Posts: 188 Member
I just underwent two minor surgeries. Very minor, but I have two sets of stitches in my mid-section that could pretty easily tare. Doctor's orders: No exercising for at least one month. I can't jog, speed walk, or dance - and definitely no weight lifting.

This is scary for me because this year I've done a lot of exercise. While I do believe my keto diet had the biggest impact in my loss, mentally it's hard to believe I won't regain without exercise. I'll start walking and using an at-home spin bike in a month, but that'll be it most likely all fall.

I could really, REALLY use some words of encouragement or success stories from others who were out of commission for a time physically but able to maintain or keep losing thanks to keto/low carb. I've never lost weight (or even maintained my weight) without exercising, so just feeling really freaked out right now.

*P.S. Ketoers, I'm going to post this in the low carb forum too since our Keto forum is pretty small group. Just hoping to have as many insights/responses as possible. Sorry to be duplicative, though.*


  • EricCowperthwaite
    My wife lost 20 lbs (from 165 to 145) just through diet modification. Her only "exercise" was her normal daily activity: house, kids, cooking, chickens, dog, gardening. She has since added exercise in to her routine and has not changed her weight, but has changed her body composition.

    Anyhow, if your goal is weight loss, LCHF/Keto/Paleo will work just fine.

    * PS: will post my response in Low Carb'ers as well
  • KristysGonnaGetFit
    KristysGonnaGetFit Posts: 40 Member
    I hardly ever "exercise" I've maintained for over a year and the most I do is lift ( 30 min) twice a week, but haven't lifted in over a month with my crazy summer life and have lost couple lbs and even more inches and seem more toned since then. I attribute it all to my Paleo/low carb diet.

    I think you will be just fine with Keto/LC diet, you might just need to watch your calories a bit more with no exercise. I eat about 1800-2000 with no exercise, but start to gain if eat more than that.
  • joceemartinez84
    joceemartinez84 Posts: 24 Member
    I started keto on May 27th of this year. I have done ZERO exercising since then and have lost 15 pounds just from my diet alone.
  • Jasmine_James
    Jasmine_James Posts: 188 Member
    Wow, thanks so much for sharing your stories. In the past I've always lost while doing pretty hardcore exercising (lots of running, P90X, etc.). This is really encouraging to read.
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    Diet for weight loss, exercise for fitness. Totally different things girl!

    Taubes has spoken a bit about exercise...

    Basically - he has spoken out that exercise, if anything, can slow weight loss!

    Stick closely to your LC diet during this time. But seriously, don't stress out because you aren't exercising. You will be FINE!