Nutritarian New Year!



  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,364 Member
    LOL too funny...Sabine our 'outlaw' friend!

    Great info about the TJ stir fry veggies, Mihani! Next time I'm in the area I'm going to stock up on a bunch of those.

    Tonight I'm trying the Kung Pao Lentils recipe. Will share my review tomorrow.

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,364 Member
    Joe and I both enjoyed the Kung Pao Lentils. It is salty and sweet, yet loaded with veggies for a nice splurge. The ratio of lentils compared to everything else was lower than I imagined it would be, so I might add in some tofu next time to boost the protein.

    I bought a vegetable chopper on Amazon that I'm really pleased with so far. It is mechanical and minces onions and peppers nicely. I've been going through so many onions that it is worth it for onions alone. You still need to cut the veggies into smaller pieces, but it really saves time.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,058 Member
    Oh Carla... I have been wondering about those veggie choppers glad to hear you like it. I get so tired of dicing and chopping sometimes. My knife skills are not that great. Happy to hear a good review. I actually just found a $50 gift card for Bed Bath & Beyond that I forgot I had, and I am going to buy a spiralizer, but that is only $30 so I can get the veggie chopper too yay! I am excited to get a spiralizer and try some veggie "noodles".

    I have read through most of the new Engine 2 book. I am going to try some of the recipes. Rip is a big fan of bowls, where you just have things ready and throw them in a bowl with a sauce or dressing and eat up. It's definitely more carb heavy, more MacDougall than Fuhrman, but I am not averse to more grains in my diet, as long as they are whole grains not bread or those dratted blue corn chips I can't get enough of lol.
  • BohoVegGirl
    BohoVegGirl Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, everyone. I'm new here.

    I'm 43 years old and, after having been vegan since 2012, I finally decided to really concentrate on a more nutritarian approach to the diet aspect of my lifestyle.

    I was diagnosed with an untreated and quite a rampant case of Lyme disease in early 2016, and I'm going through many health effects as a result. So, I'm definitely interested in eating as healthfully as possible, paying particular attention to weight loss and heart health.

    I'm not exercising right now because I need to be cleared by a cardiologist, but I'm trying to conquer the diet aspect until I get the go-ahead. (Lyme, especially an infection that has gone untreated as long as mine, often impacts cardiovascular health.)

    My biggest challenge right now is getting adequate calories. I don't typically enjoy eating early in the day. In fact, I often don't think about food until 5 or 6 PM. This is something I'm working on.

    Please feel free to add me. I can't promise I'll log my food every day, but I'm hoping to remain active and develop a group of like-minded "diet buddies," especially people who have lost or want to lose a significant amount of weight.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,058 Member
    Hi bohoveggirl... welcome! That's really scary you went untreated for Lyme for so long. Have you read any of Dr. F's books? Are you able to do any exercise like yoga or something not cardio? I have slacked off yoga lately but going to start back at it today. To be honest I just didn't feel like cleaning up the pet hair so I could put my yoga mat down the past week, but I'm going to get the floors done today lol.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,058 Member
    After pondering what I can do to get better prepared for the week, I have decided that I'm going to keep things really simple. Since I'm all stocked up on Trader Joe's veggie stir-fry, I'm taking all worry out of food prep and going to just eat the same things all week... breakfast overnight oats, lunch steamer veggies and an apple, dinner brown rice and stir-fry. I'll have a side salad with lunch or dinner every day for my raw veggies. I've really been bad about oil lately, using it for roasting veggies and stir-fry and such, and I'm going to cut out ALL oil again starting today.

    Tonight I'm going to roast an acorn squash and stuff it with red quinoa tossed with chopped green onion, raisins, and lime juice.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,364 Member
    Welcome, bohoveggirl! Have you tried having smoothies for breakfast? I find that if I don't want to eat something solid, a smoothie can work. I add in at least a cup of kale or spinach, blueberries, a few walnuts or chia seeds or flax seeds, and my almond milk or coconut milk. A half of a banana is optional but it does make you feel more full so you might want to skip it.

    Mihani, so far I'm very pleased with the chopper! I'm not sure how long it will last but if it keeps doing a good job like this I will probably just replace it as needed. The one I got is dishwasher safe and comes with 2 blade sizes. It doesn't work with tomatoes btw. Joe tried one and it squirted out at us lol. Let me know how the spiralizer works. I have thought about getting one but want to make sure I'd use it often before it takes up a spot in one of my cupboards.

    Last night I made the Palak Tofu "Paneer" from the Vegan Richa site. I like it a lot and will keep it in the rotation, but with another dish as well. Picture a blended savory spinach sauce with chunks of tofu being the only solid parts. Nice over rice. It could be served alone but I was glad I had some left over crunchy Kung Pao Lentils to eat with it.

    Update on my water intake: I failed to drink enough water the day before yesterday and woke up in the middle of the night extremely thirsty. I was tired, so I ignored my body and then woke up in the morning with an extreme dehydration headache that last all day yesterday! I couldn't shake it. Needless to say, I drowned myself in water all day yesterday and am keeping track of it today.

    Today's plan:
    breakfast - homemade pumpkin spice muffin, coffee
    lunch - Amy's wrap
    dinner - leftover kung pao lentils, palak paneer, brown jasmine rice

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,364 Member
    Tonight I'm going to try the Chickpeas in Turmeric Peanut Butter Curry.
    If it turns out, it will be a good way to use up extra veggies kicking around!

    breakfast - 'the ladies' are producing lots of eggs and I had a few for breakfast in a wrap
    lunch - Amy's wrap
    snack - pumpkin muffin
    Dinner - chickpea curry
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,058 Member
    I had forgotten about the chickens Carla... are they still friendly? Are you doing better about drinking lots of water? I have been trying to drink more, I don't know how I ever got out of the habit, but I am drinking way too much coffee still. I am looking forward to an early bedtime tonight and maybe I can skip the coffee tomorrow.

    Better today...
    B - overnight oats with almond milk, chia seeds and a few walnuts
    L - steamer veggies & some blue corn chips
    D - stir-fry and brown rice
  • BohoVegGirl
    BohoVegGirl Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you for the warm welcome, Mihani.
    Mihani wrote: »
    Have you read any of Dr. F's books?

    Ironically, I can't "read" as most people do because of neurological issues caused by Lyme, so I actually get books and try to focus on tiny snippets. I've done that with the original ETL and I reference it whenever I need to go back to something. I've also watched several of Dr. Fuhrman's presentations, each several times.
    Mihani wrote: »
    Are you able to do any exercise like yoga or something not cardio? I have slacked off yoga lately but going to start back at it today. To be honest I just didn't feel like cleaning up the pet hair so I could put my yoga mat down the past week, but I'm going to get the floors done today lol

    Hahaha I know that feeling! I was doing restorative yoga for a while, but I'm a little afraid to do anything right now without a doctor's approval. I've never felt like this before...never even followed instructions to see a doctor before heavy cardio...but, right now, I'm so fragile and I'm scared that I could end up stressing my joints or heart before I know I'm physically ready. I'm even cautious of too much walking!

    I am very much looking forward to the gi-ahead. I'm a little obsessed with The Fitness Marshall on Facebook and YouTube and want to do his dance routines. I find myself dancing on my couch a little when I watch them. I hate feeling so restricted! Have you ever seen his videos?
  • BohoVegGirl
    BohoVegGirl Posts: 13 Member
    Welcome, bohoveggirl! Have you tried having smoothies for breakfast? I find that if I don't want to eat something solid, a smoothie can work.

    Hello! Thank you so much for the welcome!

    I've actually been trying to do a kale and strawberry or raspberry smoothie first thing.

    How was your chickpea curry?

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,058 Member
    Hiya Boho... that's so scary, I really didn't know much about Lyme but I feel so bad it is taking such a toll on you! I have not heard of The Fitness Marshall, I'll have to check it out. Do you have pets? How are you doing with the ETL plan?

    I got a raging headache today, no idea why, and I am so tired. I haven't slept well the past couple nights so I am not letting anything get in the way of an early bedtime tonight.

    B - overnight oats with almond milk and chia seeds
    L - Subway veggie salad with fat free Italian
    D - not sure yet, maybe a sweet potato and some black beans, not too hungry
    S - pumpkin seeds
  • BohoVegGirl
    BohoVegGirl Posts: 13 Member
    edited January 2017
    Mihani wrote: »
    Do you have pets?

    How are you doing with the ETL plan?

    Hi, Mihani.

    I hope you got some relief from that headache! It may have been from lack of quality sleep.

    I have three kitties, one of whom is a beautiful tortoiseshell tabby I inherited from my parents when they passed away, so I call her my "sister kitty." She has gotten so attached to me! She was born in the woods behind their home back in 2002. My white cat was adopted from a shelter after her person had to be hospitalized and my little one, also a tortoise-shell tabby, was abandoned at just three weeks old. I also share my home with a rescue Lionhead bunny.

    How about you?

    Your food looks good! Sometimes, eating can help a headache and I hope that was the case with you.

    Today was a weird food day for me.

    Breakfast: 1/4c steel cut oats (1/2c cooked) with cinnamon, 1/2 banana, 1T walnuts and 1tsp flax meal.

    Snack: 10 cherry tomatoes, 1/2c raw broccoli, 1 1/2c raw green beans

    Dinner: 1 slice lentil loaf, 1/2 potato mashed with 1/4c sautéed onions and mushroom gravy, 1c steamed broccoli.

    Dessert: 1/2c homemade soy yogurt with raw cacao
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,364 Member
    Boho, your food plan looks good! I can't get away with totally raw broccoli, it gives me a stomach ache. Love hearing about your pets :) We have a kitty cat, Reba. She is super awesome. We got her as a rescue and she is 11 years old or older so we hope she can stay healthy and happy as long as possible. We also have an adorable and hard to control puppy, Ruby. And 'the ladies' that Mihani was asking about...our six chickens (Henrietta, Lucy, Ethel, Opal, Ruth, and Stella).

    Mihani, the chickens are doing good! They rush up to me when I go out there. I know they want more of those dried worms they love but we read that you have to watch protein intake in the winter because they don't have as balanced of a diet. I hate to disappoint them but it causes health issues. Sorry about your headache. I hope it goes away quickly. Lots of water and some good rest will hopefully help!

    Another good recipe from the veganricha website! The Chickpea Peanut Butter curry turned out yummy. Joe and I both kept thinking that we were eating potato bits in the curry, but it was the chickpeas. I had forgotten to soak them overnight, so I did a 3 or 4 hour soak instead and increased the cooking time in the pressure cooker. I'm not sure if that's why they were potato-like or if it was just the recipe and curry sauce that made them seem that way.

  • thekatspjs
    thekatspjs Posts: 20 Member
    Hi all I am new to this group. I am reading "The end of dieting" by Fuhrman right now. I read ETL years ago but was turned off by the low fat thing. Now I am realizing he's not so much low fat as he is no oil. The fact that I can still have nuts and can make salad dressings with nuts and nut butters is interesting. I want to shoot for oatmeal with chia seeds and fruit for bkfast and a huge salad with lentils for lunch and then a bean soup type dish for dinners. This is basically my new plan. My problem is that I also have to feed the husband and 3 kids (1 5yo + 2 toddlers) and they refuse to eat vegan for dinner every night. If anyone has suggestions about how to eat this way and feed the family let me know!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,058 Member
    Still headachy and now sniffly… good grief I hope I’m not getting a cold. We’re so busy at the office I can’t even see straight. Some major deadlines for Friday that are all sort of right at the edge of being done and I need to get them finished tomorrow. And several more deadlines for the end of the month, not to mention all the usual busy day to day. So I refuse to be sick! We’ve had several clients in with colds and I’ve been scurrying around with bleach wipes after they leave, and have been doing airborne once or twice a day.

    Boho, sorry about your parents. I lost my mom when she was 55 and my dad when he was 69. Still miss them every day! I have a black lab mix, he’s only about 55 pounds. He’s my first “only dog” since my old shepherd had to be put down back about a year ago. I’ve always had at least 2 dogs at a time, and sometimes 3. I debated, but I work so much I just didn’t want to bring in another dog right now. He has the two old cats for company and he seems content. He’s my little buddy. Your food choices look great!

    Carla, you are making me drool all these recipes! I will have to try something this weekend. I have kind of given up on the concept of doing actual recipe type cooking during the week, but I do want to take some time on the weekends. The recipes you are trying sound like they would freeze well which always appeals to me cooking for one. We haven’t seen any pictures of Ruby lately, she’s probably all grown up now (physically at least… mentally I’m sure still lots of puppy lol). Does she try to herd things? I have had two border collies in my life, and they just want to herd, it’s part of their DNA. The cats at the time were not amused.

    Welcome thekatspjs! Love that clever user name. You could always just grill or broil some chicken or something for the family they can eat with your ETL friendly food on the side I guess. Or make some pasta or potatoes that they could top with your ETL creations. My first thought … my mom was hilarious, a lot of times we’d ask what is this when she’d serve dinner and she would say “shut up and eat it” … we had that for dinner quite often! Not sure your family would go for that though lol.

    Today was a bust, total and complete failure… I was running late so I did a quickie breakfast and took my overnight oats for lunch…
    B – amazing grass shaken with almond milk
    L – overnight oats with chia seeds
    D – nothing
    S – triscuits, lots and lots of triscuits (which is why I’m not hungry for dinner)

    I might eat an apple or a few grapes tonight. I was at the office late, feel like crap, and I just want to go to bed. /end whine
  • BohoVegGirl
    BohoVegGirl Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, everyone.

    Welcome, thekatspjs!

    Mihani: How've you been doing? Is your headache gone yet? I really hope your illness has not blown into a full-blown cold. When you mentioned the sniffles, I was thinking maybe just allergies or sinuses could be the culprit.

    I'm sorry about your shepherd. but glad you have the pup and cats to keep you company! They really bring a smile to our faces, don't they?

    How long have you been using "Amazing Grass?" Do you notice a difference?

    CarlaEnsink: I always love to hear of people adopting rescues! Also, I LOVE chickens! Some people don't even understand how amazing they are! They all have such personalities. Do any of yours like to cuddle? Does the puppy chase them at all?

    Your chickpea curry may just possibly make me want to attempt a curry. It sounds so good.

    As for my food, It's the end of the week and I've fallen into a pattern.

    Breakfast: 1/4c steel cut oats (1/2c cooked) with cinnamon, 1/2 banana, 1T walnuts and 1tsp flax meal

    Lunch: Mann's Rainbow Salad (cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, red cabbage), more chopped cauliflower, grape tomatoes, cucumber slices, homemade (unsalted) chickpeas with a dressing made of the juice of a clementine, rice vinegar and just 1/4 tsp of Tamari

    Dinner: 1 slice lentil loaf, 1/2 cup quinoa cooked with unalted veggie stock, and a smoothie of 3c kale and 8 medium strawberries.

    Dessert: 1/2c homemade soy yogurt with raw cacao
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,058 Member
    Your meals sound great Boho. I use a few different vegan protein powders that I add to smoothies in the mornings sometimes. Depends on how I'm feeling. If I'm short on time I throw a scoop in a shaker with water or non-dairy milk and go, if I have time I'll make a smoothie with it and add some greens and frozen mixed berries. I like Raw Fit and Vega. The amazing grass tastes pretty good (as those things go) and seems to hold me over to lunch, so it's a good choice. Usually I have oatmeal though. I will say that the boy dog has been a trial, he's great now that he is almost 9 years old and has no competition for affection and food, but I had always had girl dogs and didn't realize how much harder it is to raise a boy! He stole my heart from the get-go but man did he lead me a life for a while in his younger years lol. He was a stray some friends picked up and after I met him I brought him right on home with me, I had two older female shepherd mixes at the time and they were appalled initially at his antics.

    I'm still not feeling up to par but I am trying to get to bed early and doing the airborne a couple times a day, and seem to be muddling through. Of course tonight I met a friend after work and had two drinks so that wasn't quite healthy or ETL >:) . Gotta go to the office tomorrow though so had to make it an early night.

    B - sprouted grain toast with a tsp of PB
    L - subway veggie sub
    D - stir-fry veggies and brown rice
    S - a lara bar mid-day and two martinis after work

    Definitely hitting the grocery this weekend and re-stock my more ETL friendly fresh veggies.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,364 Member
    Boho, I wouldn't say that any of the chickens like to cuddle in particular, but some are definitely more comfortable with being pet or picked up. Opal is a shy one and it took a long time before she'd eat from our hands. But yes they all have their personalities and quirks! They are in a large fenced orchard area with apples, pears and blackberries. They LOVE blackberries! Ruby the puppy would love to herd them around but she can only run up to the fence. She got in before when the gate wasn't latched and herded them around a bit. They didn't seem to care for that much!

    Mihani, yes Ruby is always trying to herd. Usually us! Especially when we're trying to walk back inside and she wants to us to stay out! She is calming down at night now, which is so nice. I get to cuddle with her while she sleeps on the couch beside me. At first we didn't let her up on the couch but that's all gone out the window.

    No new recipes to review, but I will be trying Gobi Mutter Keema in the next few days. Lots of cilantro, onion, cauliflower and peas.

    Here's a somewhat recent picture of Ruby 'helping' gather eggs!

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,364 Member
    sorry the pic is so fuzzy. she doesn't stand still much!