Holiday Eating

TishaSB Posts: 8 Member
I am so glad that the holiday season is over for the most part (I still have Three Kings to get through...more food). I ate and ate and ate. I ate everything that I gave up (fried food, bread, cheese, noodles, candy, cake, juice, alcoholic beverages, etc.) I am now trying to retrain my body and get back on track. A lot of days, I didn't log my food because I know that I went over my caloric intake and I would've been ashamed to see the calorie count at the end of the day. I have decided to slowly cut out carbs and starches again and increase my water, which is something that decreased during the holiday. I just needed to vent a little because truthfully, I am ashamed of myself for eating the way that I did. I was on a good track and not letting my emotions get the best of me and binge eat. Thank you for letting me vent.