Carbs minus fiber

I'm on a low carb but not keto diet. I was on keto but it did not work for me. Now I'm eating healthy food but keeping the carbs at 50. My question is: Do I still subtract fiber from carbs even though it's more than what would be a keto diet?



  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    That's really a person by person choice.
    I think it can be helpful to choose if you know where that idea originated from.
    Michael Eads' book Protein Power advised using net carbs so that people wouldn't limit green leafy vegetables. He said in an interview (can't recall who it was with) that he found that people concentrated so much on the carb count that they specifically limited even green leafy veggies in order to achieve as low numbers as possible. He doesn't believe that's a good idea. He says to eat all the green leafy veggies you want.
    He also said he did not like how food companies started using net carbs on their high carb foods like Atkins. He said that is not how it was meant to be used. To allow sugar alcohols and filler fiber.
    So, if you go by his belief, you'd icky subtract fiber from vegetables and nothing else and eat all of those you want.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Some people are in ketosis if they keep total (sometimes even net) carbs under 50. You can experiment and see which seems to work better for you.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I do take the fiber out of my carb count, but pretty much all of my carbs are from veggies, I don't eat packaged foods much at all.