My stomach hurts so so much :(

I don't know what to do with the pain I've caused to my stomach. It hurts so much to do anything except for sit here and take careful breaths. The taste in my mouth is god awful too from all the foods.

It's day 3 of my binge episode. I've been free of this for about a month or so. Had one smaller one about a week ago and then this most recent one. Quite big and 3 days long so far. I think it's simmered for this evening. I can't physically put anything more to digest even if I wanted to.

I'm bummed out. Not about gaining weight or losing weight or messing up any goals. I am not scared of what I am reversing which is why I can't stop. Somewhere at the back of my mind I know I still have enough time to fix it. I just don't know what to do or why this is happening. I don't know what about myself I need to look at. I keep believing there must be something underlying causing this.. I mean how else could I do this to myself.


  • SilverLotusGirl
    SilverLotusGirl Posts: 537 Member
    *hugs* Do you have any mint tea? Sometimes that helps me when I overdo it and my stomach is all hurting and uneasy. I can't say much about the underlying issues but the tea could help your stomach.
  • I ate so much food I can't even take more than two swallows of water right now. Wondering when the digestion subsides.

    *hugs back*
  • I know the feeling. Sometimes I binge-eat til I actually fear my stomach will rupture if I move the wrong way, sending me into sepsis. Yeah, it gets that bad for me.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    I was feeling that way on Monday. Just relax and wait. Eventually the food will digest. It will take some time.

    I hate it when that happens. I wish I had better advice. Waiting is usually all you can do. After the pain goes away maybe you can try drinking water.

  • Thanks so much guys! It's hard explaining how one can binge to the point of such pain. I feel ya!! Couldn't even move how I was sitting. Yes, like sepsis and all - haha! Luckily I did digest 4 hours later though mind you I couldn't drink water properly until the morning... and that means a whole two days of binge food sitting in my insides. No water to move things along.

    That's over with though for now.. been binge free for three days. Hoping to keep it up.