Results: Week One on IP

sdkyne Posts: 77 Member
Hi All,

I lost 9 pounds on my first week! And 4.5 inches! That is 3 pounds more than when I did this diet the first time a couple of years ago. I am really happy, needless to say. I have 15 more pounds to lose, I am not expecting it to go so fast. I would be happy with 3 pounds a week.

What's your average weekly loss?



  • aliciadub
    aliciadub Posts: 73 Member
    Congratulations! That's fantastic.

    I usually lose 3-4 pounds weekly.
  • sdkyne
    sdkyne Posts: 77 Member
    Thanks Alicia! I only lost 2 pounds at this week's weigh in. I started my period early and am all bloated. Yay me! This is the hardest time during IP for me, as I tend to drink red wine and eat lots of chocolate this time of month. Biting the bullet though!

    You have done great on your loss, congrats to you too. Did you take before pictures?
  • Great job of your first week! :bigsmile:

    The old habits are tough to break, but what's kept me going is my new mantra:

    "This is only temporary. I'm learning how to live longer and have more energy. I'm now a fat burning machine"

    I just finished up first week and half. Down 8 lbs , lost 4" and down 6% body fat. Unheard of weight loss/inches/body % for me in the past. I'm thrilled and VERY motivated to keep going.
  • kcoffman68
    kcoffman68 Posts: 3 Member
    The chocolate soy puffs are really good and do help with chocolate cravings. Mixing them 1/2 bag chocolate soy puffs with 1/2 bag of the peanut butter ones make you think you are having a Reese cup!
  • sdkyne
    sdkyne Posts: 77 Member
    I haven't seen peanut butter puffs, but I will ask about them my next visit! Sounds yummy!
  • dsjsmom23
    dsjsmom23 Posts: 234 Member
    That's a great loss congrats!
    My coach told me the peanut butter puffs are no more :(
    I like the caramel nut bars cold. I keep mine in the fridge. They help with my chocolate cravings.
  • wknmom
    wknmom Posts: 73 Member
    I am part way into week 2. I only lost 3.5 lbs on my first week, but it was a very stressful week for me... maybe that factors in. I followed the protocol to the letter! I have chosen to do the IP diet using alternative products. My husband is doing it as well, and he dropped 9 lbs in the first week! Does anyone else find that their energy level just dropped on this food plan??
  • dsjsmom23
    dsjsmom23 Posts: 234 Member
    I am part way into week 2. I only lost 3.5 lbs on my first week, but it was a very stressful week for me... maybe that factors in. I followed the protocol to the letter! I have chosen to do the IP diet using alternative products. My husband is doing it as well, and he dropped 9 lbs in the first week! Does anyone else find that their energy level just dropped on this food plan??

    I find my energy levels higher when i'm on plan. The first four days or so, i'm dragging, but once i'm in ketosis i'm good. I have a TON of energy.
    Could it be the alternative products not putting you in to full ketosis?
  • wknmom
    wknmom Posts: 73 Member
    I am part way into week 2. I only lost 3.5 lbs on my first week, but it was a very stressful week for me... maybe that factors in. I followed the protocol to the letter! I have chosen to do the IP diet using alternative products. My husband is doing it as well, and he dropped 9 lbs in the first week! Does anyone else find that their energy level just dropped on this food plan??

    I find my energy levels higher when i'm on plan. The first four days or so, i'm dragging, but once i'm in ketosis i'm good. I have a TON of energy.
    Could it be the alternative products not putting you in to full ketosis?

    Possibly. The first week was a tough one. I was just two days into the plan when I had to travel to see my Dad who had gone into hospital. I spent the next 5 days pretty much living at the hospital and eating their 'veggie' cups with my bars. Ick. A lot could have played into it. I am not giving up. My husband remained at home and lost 9 lbs, so I don't think it is the alternative products. I am checking and matching the nutritional information. I guess time will tell. I find mornings the hardests. Once I have the noon meal, I am ok, but certainly not able to keep up in a Zumba class!
  • cindirookbanman
    cindirookbanman Posts: 71 Member
    For a general day, my energy levels are pretty good. but Zumba? No way I would be able to keep up while in Phase 1, even though I love them while not on the program. High energy or aerobic workouts while on Phase 1 are definitely not recommended by most coaches. Strength training or non-aerobic exercise is preferred, and much easier on your body, especially in the first few weeks.

    People get on my case about how "unhealthy that must be" but I figure lack of exercise was the reason I gained weight in the first place!! I expect that when I am at goal weight, I will still not be able to eat a lot of carbs until I significantly increase my exercise levels to compensate for them.
  • wknmom
    wknmom Posts: 73 Member
    Well on week two I lost 2.4 lbs, so I believe the program is working. It is very different than anything I have done before... but I am really hoping the energy levels come back up. I like Zumba!! It isn't just a workout, but a stress reliever. I've been taking long walks and that works too.
  • Great job on your loss for week two! I am starting the plan next Thursday, the 22nd and can't wait! Sooo excited to start..I am doing lots of planning and researching.. I did read somewhere that the first month they say not to exercise to much while your body is adjusting...
  • wknmom
    wknmom Posts: 73 Member
    I think it is still a good habit to keep going to the gym - and not waste my membership while on Phase 1. I think I will work on strength training rather than the fast paced cardio. Thanks for the advice.
  • lisamy1088
    lisamy1088 Posts: 10 Member
    I have completed my first week and lost 6.5 lbs. I am really missing fruit though especially this time of year! Very happy though :happy:
  • sdkyne
    sdkyne Posts: 77 Member
    Way to go Lisaamy! How are you feeling? How much more do you want to lose?
  • lisamy1088
    lisamy1088 Posts: 10 Member
    I would like to lose 25-30. So far I am finding week 2 harder than week one. I feel like I have lost a little of motivation I had last week. Hope I can keep it up!
  • sdkyne
    sdkyne Posts: 77 Member
    It is so worth it to see it through. There are days I tell myself, not forever just today. (The classic 'one day at a time'.) I see a lot more results than weight loss as well. Stay motivated! :)

    The first two weeks were rough for me too. The sugar withdrawal was horrible and then I started my cycle. yay! But I kept losing weight and feeling better.
  • SusanRN2b
    SusanRN2b Posts: 106 Member
    I am part way into week 2. I only lost 3.5 lbs on my first week, but it was a very stressful week for me... maybe that factors in. I followed the protocol to the letter! I have chosen to do the IP diet using alternative products. My husband is doing it as well, and he dropped 9 lbs in the first week! Does anyone else find that their energy level just dropped on this food plan??

    I find my energy levels higher when i'm on plan. The first four days or so, i'm dragging, but once i'm in ketosis i'm good. I have a TON of energy.
    Could it be the alternative products not putting you in to full ketosis?

    I have to totally agree with this. When I was doubtful about being in ketosis, my coach indicated that if you're not hungry, you're there.

    For me, my energy level has increased SIGNIFICANTLY. That and an increased sense of well being. I have a super stressed-filled, physical, long-hours job, and at 52, I have more stamina than my 20 and 30 something coworkers.

    I can well see how their slogan "the last diet you'll ever be on" is so true!!!
  • You can do this, just take it one day at a time! Let us know how you are doing...
    I would like to lose 25-30. So far I am finding week 2 harder than week one. I feel like I have lost a little of motivation I had last week. Hope I can keep it up!