IIFYM new to this

Famof72015 Posts: 393 Member
Just got a online coach not sure how good she is and just started IIFYM. Currently I do 65 pound benchpress squats straight leg dad left 10 pound chest flies cable machine benchpress lat pulldown's leg curls 10 pound bicep curl that I do 25 minute hiit sessions Monday Wednesday and Fridays Tuesday Thursday Saturday I do my weight lifting workouts then I run 2 miles afterwords and I do ab work out four days a week before I was 1200 to 1400 cal now I'm around 1600 cal 130 g of protein 52 g of fat 170 g of carbohydrate question is I just don't want to gain weight on this but I want to lose fat and get around 120 is there other people that are doing this? any tips? advice ? How many weeks to see progress? She did give me a workout schedule but I've just been doing my own thing I will post what she gave me as well.


  • Famof72015
    Famof72015 Posts: 393 Member
    Options for cardio -
    Run - 3 miles
    5 rounds with 1:30 second rest between rounds
    1. Squat and kick to side, alternate x 20
    2. Plank position and tap each shoulder quickly x 20
    3. Plank with alternating knee ins x 20
    4. Jumping jacks x 20
    5. Mountain climbers x 20

    Lifting will be 4 days per week

    Home gym - CABLE MACHINE, free weights, dip rack, barbell, treadmill

    Walk 10 min for warmup prior to lift. Try to do a little mobility work prior to lifting as well! Foam rolling is GREAT!

    Lowered reps = heavy resistance
    You should fatigue on final 2 reps

    Between sets:
    Rest 1-2 min leg and back workouts
    30-45 sec rest on upper body.

    Complete each set individually prior to moving onto next exercise unless otherwise indicated.

    I do suggest the hip circle (below in plan says mini band) by slingshot for glute training - you can order it with my exclusive team code BSHAE for 15% off at http://www.howmuchyabench.net/ or you can buy resistance bands at sports stores / Walmart / target

    Day 1
    Lower body
    3 sets
    1. Barbell Squats x 12
    2. Barbell straight leg deadlifts x 12
    3. Barbell hip thrusts x 12
    4. Single leg bench/chair squat x 12 each (stand on one leg put other leg out in front of you and sit)
    5. Place mini band at knees, single leg hip thrusts x 12 each
    6. Large fitness ball (stability plastic ball) hamstring pull ins x 12
    7. Mini band at knees, bridge then open and close hips x 20
    8. Barbell standing calf raises x 12

    Day 2
    Upper body - Back, chest, and abs
    3 sets
    1. Romanian deadlift x 12
    2. DB bent over row x 12
    3. Single arm cable lat pull down x 12
    4. DB flat chest press x 12
    5. DB chest fly x 12
    6. DB pull overs x 12
    7. Weighted crunch x 10
    8. Bicycle crunch x 20
    9. Plank x 30 seconds
    10. Leg raises off floor hold x 3 seconds x 10

    Day 3
    Lower body
    3 sets
    1. DB goblet squats x 12
    2. DB single leg deadlifts x 12 each
    3. Band at knees and squat x 20
    4. DB walking lunges x 12 steps each foot
    5. Band at knees, side walking squats x 10 each direction
    6. Mini band at knees fire hydrants x 12 each leg
    7. Resistance band or cable pull trough thrusts x 20
    8. Prone glute extensions x 12 each leg (lye on stomach and drive leg up behind you)

    Day 4
    Upper body - Shoulders, arms, abs
    3 sets
    1. DB seated overhead press x 12
    2. DB side raises x 12
    3. DB front raises x 12
    4. DB rear raises x 12
    5. DB hammer curls x 12
    6. Barbell curls x 12
    7. Cable pushdowns x 12
    8. Cable overhead extensions x 12 each
    9. Cable kickbacks x 12
    10. Low cable curls x 12 each
    11. Standing cable crunch x 10
    12. Toe taps x 20
    13. Russian weighted twists x 10 each side

    GOAL- get lean and then build muscle. I love lifting weights I want nice hamstrings big Lou's smaller Waze and medium size arms. Ha! I currently just started Wayne my food I log all of my failed I drink a gallon of water a day I try to get 6 to 8 hours of sleep a night but I do have five children ranging between 13 months old and eight years old and I work part time oh and I have a husband who can be needy as well
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    How much contact/follow-up/direction are you getting from your coach?
  • Famof72015
    Famof72015 Posts: 393 Member
    Once a week and sometimes I reach out to her but I feel like it's a burden
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Famof72015 wrote: »
    Once a week and sometimes I reach out to her but I feel like it's a burden

    Just so that I'm clear, I have NO problem answering your questions and giving you advice. That's what this group is for, and I welcome you.

    That being said -- as a coach myself, while I definitely encourage my clients to read and learn from other practitioners in the industry, I would ALSO want them to question me as needed. So what I mean is, if something doesn't seem right program wise, or if they want to know why I ask them to do something, I WANT them to ask me and if they disagree, I want to know why.

    It gives me an opportunity to become a better coach.

    And so, I hope you're asking your coach any questions you have since that's what you're paying her for, presumably anyway.

    Regarding your questions: my advice would be to communicate as clearly as possible with your coach what your goals are, what issues you have (if any) with the program, and any questions that come up with.

    As far as "how long will it take" that depends on the results you are looking for and that's also something I think your coach should have input on. Some coaches are more aggressive than others and so I can only really tell you MY OPINION on this, but that's not necessarily going to be in alignment with what your coach does.

    I generally want to shoot for a change in bodyweight between .5 and 1.5% per week and I'm usually on the low end of that for most people. This means that I'm taking an AVERAGE of daily weigh ins and then comparing the difference between average weights each week and looking for .5 to 1.5% change.

    I ALSO factor in diet adherence, how they are feeling, how they are performing, and I'm considering those factors in addition to the numerical data when it comes time to adjust things (if needed).

    Let me know if this makes sense, and thanks for joining the group!
  • Famof72015
    Famof72015 Posts: 393 Member
    Thank you for responding and taking the time to address my concerns and questions. She has made it very clear I need to communicate with her once during our weekly(Saturday) check ins. This is going on my second week with her and she is my first coach
  • Famof72015
    Famof72015 Posts: 393 Member
    Darn why aren't these posting my whole convo. I'm going to continue to finish out the next two weeks with her then find a new coach. I did email her and she told me that all the questions I had my concerns is why she was concerned or hesitant for me to join her coaching program
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Famof72015 wrote: »
    Darn why aren't these posting my whole convo. I'm going to continue to finish out the next two weeks with her then find a new coach. I did email her and she told me that all the questions I had my concerns is why she was concerned or hesitant for me to join her coaching program

    Keep in mind that there's a rather massive variety as far as price range, services offered, and competency when it comes to online coaching. You're best off shopping around a bit and don't hesitate to ask questions to make sure you're getting a coach who can meet your needs.
  • Famof72015
    Famof72015 Posts: 393 Member
    I can't seem to hit my macros and I'm over on my calories help me
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    edited January 2017
    Famof72015 wrote: »
    I can't seem to hit my macros and I'm over on my calories help me

    One thing you could try would be to log food into my fitness pal before you eat it.

    This way you can check the numbers before eating to prevent going over.
  • _benjammin
    _benjammin Posts: 1,224 Member
    Am I the only one that thinks it's odd to have RDLs on Day 2?
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    _benjammin wrote: »
    Am I the only one that thinks it's odd to have RDLs on Day 2?

    I'd prefer to see them on a lower body day typically.
  • Famof72015
    Famof72015 Posts: 393 Member
    I just wish there was someplace that would plan my meals for me it takes me forever to try to find foods to me on my macro levels