Need everyone here!

allie592 Posts: 8 Member
6 members here so far, get your battle buddy on the nutrition bandwagon!!!


  • AceWisdom
    AceWisdom Posts: 16 Member
    I'm here on this new journey this time really enjoying healthy eating. I'm feeling very motivated, I know most food I normally eat was crap so it's a complete change for me. Even trying new healthy foods I've never tryed before is going to be my challenge. With the help of exercise, eating healthy , learning nutrition and giving and receiving support from you guys we will reach our goals together!
  • MartinEmily24068
    MartinEmily24068 Posts: 1 Member
    allie592 wrote: »
    6 members here so far, get your battle buddy on the nutrition bandwagon!!!

    Motivation is key. You gotta wanna.
  • AceWisdom
    AceWisdom Posts: 16 Member
    Motivation and ask yourself why you want this....Once you find your why..... keep it in mind and never loose it :)