
jmwolffyy Posts: 212 Member
I am 10.5 months post-RNY, and things are going along beautifully in the world of weight-loss. I spent a few months at the beginning of my journey with problems and didn't start on actually losing weight til about month 3, so I am still losing easily, as though I was about 2 or 3 months earlier. I know that is not a problem. I have figured out most of my mental issues with food, and seem to be doing really well with making the new choices into real habits that I can maintain, so I don't think that is a problem. I am not getting out and exercising enough, because I can't handle the heat and can't afford a gym (though I have been digging in boxes to try and find my workout videos - doesn't that count as exercise? LOL). I don't think that is enough of a problem to be factoring in.
However, I am dealing with major relationship issues and I have had to internalize a lot of it because I can't talk with either of the people I usually talk to right now. One is because it is the person who is causing most of the problems in the relationship (and these are the SAME problems that have been occurring for years and we have discussed them ad nauseum, so I know that that person is aware of what usually upsets me - and continuing to act that way). The other person is dealing with a huge crisis and I can't pile on right now. I think this is where I am becoming depressed. I don't know who to talk to about everything. I vented to another friend, and it helped. For about 5 minutes, then it just all came crashing back down. I can make an appointment with our Psychologist at the Bari Center, but I would have to take nearly a whole day off because of his hours and the distance to work. I don't have the time off to spare. Besides, I don't have any solutions for the problems and obviously talking about it only helps a tiny bit, so I don't know that talking to a professional would offer any additional relief. I have never been seriously depressed but I am quickly approaching a place where I don't want to get up in the morning. Definitely don't want to come to work. Go straight to bed after work. Haven't eaten a "full" meal (that is a relative term of course) in a week. To me, the symptoms scream depression, but I am also notorious for self-diagnosis that goes above and beyond reality. Can anyone help put this in perspective, please?


  • steffyp01
    steffyp01 Posts: 34
    Sounds like you need to talk to your bari psychologist. If you can't take the time off work see if he can counsel you over the phone. You don't want to head down the depression road, that's a hard one to get off of. I hope things are better soon.