My n=1 error



  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    canadjineh wrote: »
    Best questions to ask ourselves anytime we are feeling under the gun... Will this matter in 5 days, 5 months, 5 years? The trick is to listen to the answer.. I'm trying to use this line of reasoning in my head whenever I get uptight about anything.

    @canadjineh - This is the same exact type of argument I make. Will it matter in a day? Week? Month? Year? Decade? I surely don't remember the exact mistakes I was making a decade ago, not unless they were the mistakes I was making over and over and over again, in which case, those, I never want to forget! Just a reminder. I wish I had learned this in my teens and 20's...or even early 30's! Thankful that I learned it now.

    The other rule I use? "Can I change it at all?" If the answer is NOPE, then I do my best to refuse to worry about it. If I can do absolutely nothing to change the course of a problem, I let that worry and stress go and focus on what I can change, affect, manipulate, improve, etc. Sometimes the same issue comes back up - and this time I CAN change it, so I work towards that, but if I'd wasted the time and effort previously, this actionable change opportunity might never have surfaced!
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Very true, @KnitOrMiss, 'Can I change it at all?' Not do I want to change it, because we can 'want' all we like... if we are powerless over the circumstances there is nothing we can do at that moment, except keep our eyes open for the capability of changing it.