Everyone is sick!

MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
I don't know why the change of the seasons is so hard on health, but everyone I know is either sick, getting sick, or just getting better.

Anyone else?


  • kellyshell215
    kellyshell215 Posts: 98 Member
    I don't know why the change of the seasons is so hard on health, but everyone I know is either sick, getting sick, or just getting better.

    Anyone else?

    I would probably say you mostly get sick on winter (I hope you refer to winter) because It's so cold, people get to wear lots of clothes to mantain the body warm, and people tend to be next to each other, also the places you go their probably hot (due to use of heaters) and windows aren't so open. So what happends it this all create better conditions for bacteria that cause such diseases to grow and grow, and they easily spread through saliva, air (specially when the windows are closed). So this is why people get so sick often.