Do calories have to match macros?

Famof72015 Posts: 393 Member
So my coach told me I need to get a certain amount of calories per macro group that is just making it way more confusing and can I just make sure I'm within 5 to 10 g of macros and deficit of my calories for the day?


  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    If you're within 5-10g of your macro goals and you're in a deficit you're just fine (assuming you're trying to lose weight). No one hits it perfectly every day. Hell, being within 5-10g on each macro is exceptionally good if I'm honest.
  • Famof72015
    Famof72015 Posts: 393 Member
    Wow!! Thank you for replying. I have just started this on Tuesday and have planned out the next week and have been so stressed just trying to hit my macros perfectly, researching foods just stressing and I just said "5-10 range is just going to have to be good enough" so THANK YOU for the validation! O
  • _benjammin
    _benjammin Posts: 1,224 Member
    For awhile, I set my fat and protein goals as minimums, as long as I got the minimum, didn't worry.
  • Famof72015
    Famof72015 Posts: 393 Member
    Okay. Thanks. I just find it so hard most of the time to find fats and proteins and still staying with in a calorie deficit as well.