Reward Yourself!

After a workout I reward myself by listening to Drake White's song Making me look good again. Not only do I love the lyrics; I love the title: Making ME look good again. What non-food related rewards do you give yourself?


  • joyceellen1941
    joyceellen1941 Posts: 6 Member
    Music is a great reward, like opera-Andrea Bocceli or treating myself to a new fragrance, painting my toenails while watching an hour of old cartoons, a walk to the library for a good book (just to name a few).
  • canoerbill
    canoerbill Posts: 5 Member
    A calorie counted dinner at Red Lobster. Last weekend I used this program before ordering a meal at Red Lobster. Bourbon Glazed shrimp, Roasted Carrot/ Squash veggies and house salad,and wild rice is what I ordered. Unsweetened Ice tea as drink. Calories in all were 1089. No dessert! You can still eat out and reward yourself just choose wisely.