January Chit Chat Board



  • ShaDucky
    ShaDucky Posts: 67 Member
    It helped mentally if nothing else thats huge!
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Finally my husband comes home tonight. I am looking forward to having someone else carry the laundry upstairs... And i have a day off tomorrow.
    I need to figure out how to motivate myself past my anxiety to go to the gym by myself.... I like my gym, its family orientated and no one has ever been mean, but it still triggers anxiety....
  • ShaDucky
    ShaDucky Posts: 67 Member
    You can do it!!!!
  • ShaDucky
    ShaDucky Posts: 67 Member
    My brother gave me a scoop to try of his preworkout. It made my 4:30am workout feel like my wonderful 10am workouts use to. Im actually excited to get up at 4:20 tomorrow instead of dreading it. My workout was awesome this morning and I'm feeling super pumped.

  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I love going to the gym alone. Having gym partners in the past was my down fall because I did not always want to go at the time that someone else did, so often I would just skip and not go at all. I love that on my days off, if I don't want to go in the morning, I can go in the afternoon if it suits me, or go after dinner when I want, without worrying if that works for someone else.
  • violet456
    violet456 Posts: 674 Member
    ShaDucky: 4:30 AM to workout, kudos to you. I could never get up that early.
    Hla79: You can do it.

    This weekend was a bust. Major melt down over a .7 lb gain. More in the underling emotional which was the problem. My goal was to go to the gym 6 days out of 7 this week. Saturday I was completely broken, but Deb was my support and went with me to get me going. It helped dramatically, and helped me keep my goal going. Alas, on Sunday I took an additional day off. Excuse was: Gym closes early on the weekends, so I cant' go after the kids go to sleep which was my plan. So on weekends I would need to go in the afternoon. Which is what we did on Saturday, while the kids were napping, Yaya (Grandma) watched the kids. Sunday afternoon we had a massage, I wanted to enjoy the glow of a massage and not go to the gym, so we took a day off. (Steps showed and only had 3k that day.)

    I did go Monday/Tuesday night however, and I am going to try and go tonight. If I go tonight I will have gone 5 out of 7 nights. Not too bad. Not sure what, if any goal I will have for the gym next week. I just want to finish this set and go from there, may do a mid week weigh in and see how things went to get some motivation.

    Because of the major melt down over the weekend I am taking a break from logging, but still trying to make better choices. Not sure when I will start logging again.

    My standing desk has arrived at work, so this is a challenge. I am trying to split my day to 40% standing to start. I do feel a difference in my legs, it helps.

    Good work everyone.

  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Yesterday broke me... I dont even want to be a grown up today... I want to lay in bed and cry and eat cookies.... But i am at work, ignoring my work. I have a very long day today because i have my eating class is today then i have to drive my babysitter home..... Uggghh hopefully i can contain my tongue today and not cry at work,my two goals lol.
  • MissBecca145
    MissBecca145 Posts: 149 Member
    HLaR79 wrote: »
    Yesterday broke me... I dont even want to be a grown up today... I want to lay in bed and cry and eat cookies.... But i am at work, ignoring my work. I have a very long day today because i have my eating class is today then i have to drive my babysitter home..... Uggghh hopefully i can contain my tongue today and not cry at work,my two goals lol.

    I'm sorry you're having a rough one :( Sending you good vibes - I know that bed + cookie feeling all too well. You're strong! You'll get there!
  • bevkidd1
    bevkidd1 Posts: 265 Member
    Ok..started going to Valley Medical Weightloss last week and I know it being my first week I was going to lose a bit of weight, but I did not expect what I lost. I lost 10 pounds! I am so excited about that.

    Now I know that result will not happen every week but for now I am elated. I have been eating right and getting as much exercise as I can. I will add more movement each week so that my body doesnt get used to the same thing and slow down again.

    I am a little sore from the extra stuff I have been doing around the house but I knoW I have to keep it up. I am finally in the mindset that I haveto take care of myself first, I have to make me a priority. If I don't I will not be a happy person. I need to be a happy person lol.

    My family supports me and that's great and all, but the family I live with still has to go thrugh drive-thru's for their dinner...I don't to do that anymore. Water is the best drink for your body and fast food is the worst food for your body.

    I'm done with that. Time for me to take control of my life and start living it, not be a spectator. I want to do things that my body will not allow me to do right now. I being able to walk further than the corner of my street would be awesome.

    I want to go hiking but right now that is totally out of the question. I don't have the energy for that yet, but I will. I have found my motivation again and it feels awesome! Off to prepare my meals for the week....

    Good luck everyone on your individual journeys. You can add me to your friends list if you like, the more you have the better!

  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Should I do a points challenge for February?
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Yes points for february... It is by far one of my favorite challanges... It had kept me motivated and checking in when otherwise i woukd not have.

    Today i am feeling more normal again.... I gave myself a controlled i dont care day yesterday... I ate some junk food, went over my calories by 600, drank all the pop i wanted.... And did not let myself feel guilty, i also cleaned and scrubbed my kitchen, drank water, and spent some great time with my son... A day of didnt need to be laying on the couch eating candy for me this time... It shows me how much i have changed.

    Hope everyone enjoys there sunday.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Sometimes you just need a day off!

    Ok, points challenge....hopefully some others will join.
    I really like it too, keeps me motivated as well.
  • MissBecca145
    MissBecca145 Posts: 149 Member
    I'll do the points challenge! Help keep me on track :)
  • crochetkeepsmehappy
    crochetkeepsmehappy Posts: 81 Member
    edited January 2017
    @HLaR79 everyone needs a day off! Great job on noticing a change in yourself! :smile:

    Points challenge sounds great. I would love to do it
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Ok great to have two more people! February's obviously starts tomorrow, I will post it later tonight to give people a chance if they post earlier than me tomorrow....if you don't have ten goals in mind, take a look at this month's and it might give you an idea. The first post explains it all.
  • MissBecca145
    MissBecca145 Posts: 149 Member
    edited January 2017
    Ok great to have two more people! February's obviously starts tomorrow, I will post it later tonight to give people a chance if they post earlier than me tomorrow....if you don't have ten goals in mind, take a look at this month's and it might give you an idea. The first post explains it all.

    Good stuff, thanks Italian_Buju - and thanks for posting early (I'm half a continent ahead of most of you I suspect so it's actually Feb 1 here right now).
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Where are you Becca? I am in Canada.
  • MissBecca145
    MissBecca145 Posts: 149 Member
    Where are you Becca? I am in Canada.
    I love Canada. So much. Work sees me in Vancouver from time to time - desperate to get out east on my next trip.

    I'm in Sydney, Australia... but just happen to be a dyed in the wool Habs fan ;)
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Wow, i bet australia is so beautiful.... But unfortunately i have seen the size of the insects there so i would need a insect body guard to go there lol...
  • MissBecca145
    MissBecca145 Posts: 149 Member
    Oh yeah no the insects aren't fun. And in summer... my god! So this month we had to have the exterminator out after we had 2 Funnel Web spiders come inside our house - that's the second deadliest spider in the world. One of them discovered by me, wandering to the bathroom in the dark and fumbling for the light switch!

    Also in that bathroom this month we had an Eastern Water Dragon that was 3 feet long...

    And last year, very same bathroom, a god damn Golden Crown snake. 'Mildly' venomous, but still totally not welcome in the house!

    The cursed bathroom. They come in through the window looking for water bless 'em. But NO. GET OUT OF OUR DAMN HOUSE.