Anyone still here?

lizlogic Posts: 4 Member
I am hoping to find a group of people who are trying to control their psoriatic arthritis via lifestyle change. 2017 is the year I want to become an athlete to achieve this end. I'm excited to have anyone join me in this journey!


  • A_Dabauer
    A_Dabauer Posts: 212 Member
    ~waves~ I've been pretty successful with controlling my PsA through Diet and Exercise.

    For me, I had success by reducing the amount inflammatory food I ate. Typical inflammatory foods are gluten and nightshades for PsA sufferers. You can also look up Inflammation Factor (IF) tables for all foods and eat a low inflammatory diet. I also had additional testing done to figure out specifically the foods my body reacted to, and additionally found out that yeast and beans were also triggers for me. The other thing that has helped is strength training, the stronger I am, the less my PsA bothers me when it's in flare.
  • lizlogic
    lizlogic Posts: 4 Member
    Yes- I'm back on the exercise bandwagon as of this week. Not good on food at work (social pressures) but promise myself to keep track here. Will likely be back on-plan food wise in feb
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    How was 2017 for you all? Anyone?