Important stuff will go here one day.
I have been taking methotrexate for over 2 years now for psoriatic arthritis. I have spondyloarthropathy as well as pain in various joints and tendon insertion sites. I have always had fatigue and a bit of an upset/sensitive stomach on and the day or 2 following methotrexate dosing. I take my methotrexate orally at 8 2.5mg…
Psoriatic Arthritis Pain and Exercise
Psoriatic arthritis is such a pain... literally. Mine is in my feet, hips and hands, and every time I get any exercise - or even when I clean my house - I pay for it with pain. It sure makes it hard to lose weight, and I'm hoping that a weight loss of 30-50 pounds which help alleviate some of my pain. Has anyone tried any…
The originator of the this group
Hello. I just looked and it seems that the person that started this group has not posted since 2014. If anyone can see different please let me know. With this being said, I think we should form a new group for those that are still involved so that we can make changes and other things. Anyone else interested? And please…
Managing PsA through diet and exercise...
40y young, diagnosed with PsA in Nov 2016. Advised to stop running, and initially stopped dancing too. Managed 6 strict months without wheat or gluten, dairy or added sugar, alternating 2days meat, 2days fish, 3days vegetarian... Though I knew I'd slipped a bit in the few months leading up to seeing NHS rheumatology…
Anyone still here?
I am hoping to find a group of people who are trying to control their psoriatic arthritis via lifestyle change. 2017 is the year I want to become an athlete to achieve this end. I'm excited to have anyone join me in this journey!
Paddison program for lifestyle change
Is anyone else using the Paddison program? It's written for rheumatoid arthritis sufferers but has worked for PsA as well. I want to try it but still cling to the idea of eating pizza.
Pain over certain # steps a day
I've worn a Fitbit a little over a year. Was dx with PsA 19 months ago but think I've had it 5+ years before that. I have noticed by my Fitbit that when I walk more than 3000 steps a day, I am in severe pain the next day, have trouble getting up and walking after I sit for 30 minutes or more, etc. Friday I moved my office…
Weight loss and clearer skin
Hi there, I've got psoriasis and my plaque is covering about 40% of my body. Worst it's ever been in my 21 years with this condition. I even got a UVB booth in January and aside from a 2 week clearing period, the plaques have raged back with a vengeance. I'm about two weeks into tracking calories. I haven't noticed any…
Weight management with Prednisone, Biologics and DMARDS
Hello! I am a 39yo female with 2 children. My children are old enough to care for themselves at ages 11 and 16 so in that respect I am lucky. I have had a 2 plus year long MAJOR flare brought upon by an accident and 2 subsequent major surgeries. My Rheumy has prescribed good ol' Prednisone. I am a medication wimp so we…
Vitamin D connection?
Hey I've recently been to the Dr and had my blood work done. Most tests came back normal-ish but my Vitamin D was extremely low. I had been in such pain that I couldn't sleep for much more than a few hours, exercise was out of the question most days and when I did push myself it would take days to recover. After taking a…