Managing PsA through diet and exercise...

40y young, diagnosed with PsA in Nov 2016. Advised to stop running, and initially stopped dancing too. Managed 6 strict months without wheat or gluten, dairy or added sugar, alternating 2days meat, 2days fish, 3days vegetarian... Though I knew I'd slipped a bit in the few months leading up to seeing NHS rheumatology specialist (in Nov just gone) - who released me from specialist care, since I had not had any significant inflammation for 9 months! Specialist wrote a letter to my GP supporting my management of PsA through diet and exercise - and recommended reading '10% human' - an amazing book on the gut microbiome and its relationship with human health...

Inflammation in my foot returned just after, so I'm back to reestablishing the oh-so-exciting but hopefully health-reviving diet, which I knew I'd allowed to slip! Single working parent of 2 hungry boys, so sticking to it is a hard slog.

Aiming for an 80:20 rule, once I've cut everything out again for 6weeks first.

Any support or ideas most welcome! But happy to share ideas and learning along the way too if anyone's interested...