Anyone for a monthly fitness challenge?

nmcknny Posts: 479 Member
edited January 2017 in Social Groups
Choose and list one or two personal goals concerning fitness to work on for the month then at the end of the month, check in to see how we all did? One goal could be for exercise and one for food or one could be for a good habit.

For the rest of January I'm going to get in two weight training sessions per week and for a food goal, I'm going to meet my protein limit (since I'm always under by a significant amount).

I'm sure open to different ways to do this or suggestions. What do you think?


  • kurzap
    kurzap Posts: 19 Member
    For the month of July I will get in my 10,000 steps a day walking, eat more veges, and cut back on my wine. I have been great at logging but stuck on this weight for way too long, so hope to loose a few pounds this month.. best ladies. Peggy
  • virgm2002
    virgm2002 Posts: 29 Member
    How are you doing with your steps?
  • kurzap
    kurzap Posts: 19 Member
    According to my Fitbit I have been averaging 9700 steps for the month. Hot dog days of summer.ha! Also lost 2 lbs. Thanks!
  • kurzap
    kurzap Posts: 19 Member
    Help I signed up for a monthly fitness challenge for August to lose 5 lb during the month but I can't find it thank you