Had a Rough Week

jewelsmurphy Posts: 8 Member
edited January 2017 in Social Groups
Scared to stand on the scales this morning... up 7lbs since Christmas day! Work really stressful at the moment must be eating my feeling's on a daily basis! Any advice?


  • Scooterninety
    Scooterninety Posts: 5 Member
    I've started to really think about what I put into my body. Before I eat anything, for a split second I try to think about how I'm gonna feel after I've eaten it and if that's *kitten*, I have that moment to make the decision not to have it. I also plan my treats because I have a serious sweet tooth so it helps to plan my day of eating ahead so I have something to look forward to.
  • sunnyroyal
    sunnyroyal Posts: 3 Member
    If your exercising it might be no harm looking at your inches, muscle weighs more. From doing bootcamp my target is to loose inches, shows im toning up aswell as keeoing an eye on your diet as I love to treat myself.