The First Day of the Rest of Your Life!
This is it ladies! The day that could chang your life. It's time to be positive :) counting calories is a nightmare, motivating yourself can be difficult... Will this be tough? Yes. Will it be worth it ABSOLUTELY!!! Good luck today! You can do this Xxx
New to the "group" side of this app - but we'll figure it out as we go! All I know is the wedding date is getting closer and it's crunch time so all support welcome and if we can all cheer each other to the finish line that's the main thing!
Had a Rough Week
Scared to stand on the scales this morning... up 7lbs since Christmas day! Work really stressful at the moment must be eating my feeling's on a daily basis! Any advice?
How organised are you?
Because I'm not. Not even sorted what I'm wearing yet! The registry office is booked and that's about it... I do have a pair of boots but I have to lose 2 inches off my calves for them to fit properly!
When's your wedding day?!
25th of July for me! It'd be great to get a list so we can cheer each other over those finish lines
Sweet Potatoes...
Any advise for best way to cook sweet potatoes? :)
What are our goals?
Hi everyone, happy new year. So what's the plan for the group?.