What exercise do you like to do?



  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    wantoldme wrote: »
    Y'all aren't getting crazy contractions when you exercise heavily? Even when I lift my laundry basket and carry it from the basement to upstairs, I'm contracting to the point where I cant stand straight.

    I haven't been exercising (we've ordered a treadmill and are waiting for it to be delivered and that's a WHOLE n'other issue!) but I have been chasing after a toddler and I get contractions all the time. Nothing super consistent and they go away so I'm not concerned. But it seems like every single time I stand from a seated position I contract. Which is super annoying at work because I'm constantly up and down. I don't remember this many with my first - or maybe just didn't realize what was going on.... my husband is constantly like 'are you okay?' ... 'yeah, don't mind me - just contracting over here. Give me a minute'

    Are you in your second trimester too? This is my first baby so I was surprised to when I had them. The doctor told me it was just round ligament pain.

    No, I'm 35 weeks (36 here in a few days) so I'm well into my 3rd. I had round ligament pain in the 2nd trimester. These are definitely contractions :) I was even having them on the drive into work this morning. Every 15 min for about 20 seconds then they dissipated. I started feel sick last night so I'm like *fingers crossed its soon!* ... but not too soon... after 36 weeks :) I have my doctor's appointment Thursday (and then weekly) for my GBS (group B strep). I can't remember, when do they start checking to see if you're dilated? Have I mentioned I'm so ready to be done!?

  • wantoldme
    wantoldme Posts: 140 Member
    wantoldme wrote: »
    Y'all aren't getting crazy contractions when you exercise heavily? Even when I lift my laundry basket and carry it from the basement to upstairs, I'm contracting to the point where I cant stand straight.

    I haven't been exercising (we've ordered a treadmill and are waiting for it to be delivered and that's a WHOLE n'other issue!) but I have been chasing after a toddler and I get contractions all the time. Nothing super consistent and they go away so I'm not concerned. But it seems like every single time I stand from a seated position I contract. Which is super annoying at work because I'm constantly up and down. I don't remember this many with my first - or maybe just didn't realize what was going on.... my husband is constantly like 'are you okay?' ... 'yeah, don't mind me - just contracting over here. Give me a minute'

    Are you in your second trimester too? This is my first baby so I was surprised to when I had them. The doctor told me it was just round ligament pain.

    No, I'm 35 weeks (36 here in a few days) so I'm well into my 3rd. I had round ligament pain in the 2nd trimester. These are definitely contractions :) I was even having them on the drive into work this morning. Every 15 min for about 20 seconds then they dissipated. I started feel sick last night so I'm like *fingers crossed its soon!* ... but not too soon... after 36 weeks :) I have my doctor's appointment Thursday (and then weekly) for my GBS (group B strep). I can't remember, when do they start checking to see if you're dilated? Have I mentioned I'm so ready to be done!?

  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    edited May 2017
    wantoldme wrote: »
    Y'all aren't getting crazy contractions when you exercise heavily? Even when I lift my laundry basket and carry it from the basement to upstairs, I'm contracting to the point where I cant stand straight.

    I haven't been exercising (we've ordered a treadmill and are waiting for it to be delivered and that's a WHOLE n'other issue!) but I have been chasing after a toddler and I get contractions all the time. Nothing super consistent and they go away so I'm not concerned. But it seems like every single time I stand from a seated position I contract. Which is super annoying at work because I'm constantly up and down. I don't remember this many with my first - or maybe just didn't realize what was going on.... my husband is constantly like 'are you okay?' ... 'yeah, don't mind me - just contracting over here. Give me a minute'

    Are you in your second trimester too? This is my first baby so I was surprised to when I had them. The doctor told me it was just round ligament pain.

    No, I'm 35 weeks (36 here in a few days) so I'm well into my 3rd. I had round ligament pain in the 2nd trimester. These are definitely contractions :) I was even having them on the drive into work this morning. Every 15 min for about 20 seconds then they dissipated. I started feel sick last night so I'm like *fingers crossed its soon!* ... but not too soon... after 36 weeks :) I have my doctor's appointment Thursday (and then weekly) for my GBS (group B strep). I can't remember, when do they start checking to see if you're dilated? Have I mentioned I'm so ready to be done!?

    I think they start checking at 37 weeks (but I'm not sure. It's at least at 38 weeks)? But you could ask them to check while they're down there for the GBS next week. I'm sure it wouldn't be a big deal.
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    @VeryKatie I'm probably not - just super anxious. I just couldn't remember when it was. Mostly because I was NEVER dilated with #1. Even when I went in to be induced I wasn't - so I started from "fingertip" which I think is a nice way of saying "not". 37 or 38 sounds about right - I think I'm having an ultrasound at 37 weeks as well to check positioning/growth/fluid levels and all that fun jazz. How're you feeling?
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    @Hurricane_C I have my ultrasound in a few hours and my GBS right after. I can't believe I have under two weeks to go. Last night I was almost in tears because I've been pregnant for too long. I'm SO OVER IT!
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    @Hurricane_C I have my ultrasound in a few hours and my GBS right after. I can't believe I have under two weeks to go. Last night I was almost in tears because I've been pregnant for too long. I'm SO OVER IT!
    I was tearing up driving to work this morning because I'm just so done. I'm so uncomfortable and I don't feel well and everything hurts... I feel like I've been pregnant FOREVER. 4 more weeks... Oh man, I hope I don't go 4 more weeks....

  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    @Hurricane_C I have my ultrasound in a few hours and my GBS right after. I can't believe I have under two weeks to go. Last night I was almost in tears because I've been pregnant for too long. I'm SO OVER IT!
    I was tearing up driving to work this morning because I'm just so done. I'm so uncomfortable and I don't feel well and everything hurts... I feel like I've been pregnant FOREVER. 4 more weeks... Oh man, I hope I don't go 4 more weeks....

    We got this! Even if we cry to get through it ❤️
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    @Hurricane_C I have my ultrasound in a few hours and my GBS right after. I can't believe I have under two weeks to go. Last night I was almost in tears because I've been pregnant for too long. I'm SO OVER IT!
    I was tearing up driving to work this morning because I'm just so done. I'm so uncomfortable and I don't feel well and everything hurts... I feel like I've been pregnant FOREVER. 4 more weeks... Oh man, I hope I don't go 4 more weeks....

    We got this! Even if we cry to get through it ❤️

    Survived the OB. I told her I was so ready to be done when she asked how I was and then she said "we're almost there". We're? No no... Also told her I hadn't been feeling the greatest and she said I wasn't my normal perky self. Well no. Everything hurts and I feel like I'm going to throw up. She swabbed for GBS and checked me - said my cervix is super soft and I'm at about a fingertip. So things are at least progressing.... here's to hoping the nausea, back aches and contractions are pre-labor and things are getting started. (and yes, I'm aware pre-labor can last for weeks... but at least something is happening! Right?!). I've just been a Debbie Downer lately and I know I need to snap out of it, but geez - you ladies understand... it just kinda sucks.
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    @Hurricane_C I have my ultrasound in a few hours and my GBS right after. I can't believe I have under two weeks to go. Last night I was almost in tears because I've been pregnant for too long. I'm SO OVER IT!
    I was tearing up driving to work this morning because I'm just so done. I'm so uncomfortable and I don't feel well and everything hurts... I feel like I've been pregnant FOREVER. 4 more weeks... Oh man, I hope I don't go 4 more weeks....

    We got this! Even if we cry to get through it ❤️

    Survived the OB. I told her I was so ready to be done when she asked how I was and then she said "we're almost there". We're? No no... Also told her I hadn't been feeling the greatest and she said I wasn't my normal perky self. Well no. Everything hurts and I feel like I'm going to throw up. She swabbed for GBS and checked me - said my cervix is super soft and I'm at about a fingertip. So things are at least progressing.... here's to hoping the nausea, back aches and contractions are pre-labor and things are getting started. (and yes, I'm aware pre-labor can last for weeks... but at least something is happening! Right?!). I've just been a Debbie Downer lately and I know I need to snap out of it, but geez - you ladies understand... it just kinda sucks.

    It's okay. Feel free to be a debbie downer. I hate being pregnant, so I'm flipping out everywhere. My job is getting super stressful and I'm trying to train about three people to take over. It's awful.

    OB said I'm 2cm right now. I'm ready to go have a cocktail RIGHT NOW.

    I hope you go into labor soon!!!
  • wantoldme
    wantoldme Posts: 140 Member
    Can you do planks when you're pregnant? I'm 17 weeks and not showing but I want to strength my abs. I also would love any recommendations for any exercises to keep my tummy toned and to help with labor/delivery. I already do cardio but would love some strengthning/toning exercises too
  • aljudkin
    aljudkin Posts: 21 Member
    Yes you can do planks. I checked with my doctor and she said it is a recommended exercise for pregnancy. She said not to do any core exercises that contract the abdomen, like crunches or boat pose (in yoga). So besides plank I don't know what else you can do for the core during pregnancy! I've been doing both planks and side planks and they both continue to feel fine.
  • wantoldme
    wantoldme Posts: 140 Member
    aljudkin wrote: »
    Yes you can do planks. I checked with my doctor and she said it is a recommended exercise for pregnancy. She said not to do any core exercises that contract the abdomen, like crunches or boat pose (in yoga). So besides plank I don't know what else you can do for the core during pregnancy! I've been doing both planks and side planks and they both continue to feel fine.

    Thank you. Do you notice your posture better as well? I just want to make my waist and stomach remain as tight as possible.
  • wantoldme
    wantoldme Posts: 140 Member
    aljudkin wrote: »
    Yes you can do planks. I checked with my doctor and she said it is a recommended exercise for pregnancy. She said not to do any core exercises that contract the abdomen, like crunches or boat pose (in yoga). So besides plank I don't know what else you can do for the core during pregnancy! I've been doing both planks and side planks and they both continue to feel fine.

    What about mountain climbers? Is that a contracting exercise?
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    wantoldme wrote: »
    aljudkin wrote: »
    Yes you can do planks. I checked with my doctor and she said it is a recommended exercise for pregnancy. She said not to do any core exercises that contract the abdomen, like crunches or boat pose (in yoga). So besides plank I don't know what else you can do for the core during pregnancy! I've been doing both planks and side planks and they both continue to feel fine.

    What about mountain climbers? Is that a contracting exercise?

    I would think those would be pretty tough once you get the belly going. Not an expert, so don't take my advice as golden on this particular topic, but I know the warrior poses 1 and 2 work the core too. I think 1 would be ok, not sure if 2 would be tough once the belly is in, your kinda more rotated when you bend. Or check out lizard pose if you want a change from a strait plank.
  • aljudkin
    aljudkin Posts: 21 Member
    I agree that mountain climbers will get difficult as you progress in your pregnancy. I think you're body will tell you what you can and can't do. But if it is still comfortable I don't see why you couldn't do them. I continued to do my normal core exercises all the way through the first trimester. I scale back once I start showing in the second trimester. I also agree that a lot of yoga poses work the core without being "core" exercises. So a general yoga practice would be beneficial as well. With that said, I don't know if any exercise will keep your waist "tight." It is just part of pregnancy for your abdominal muscles to separate and loosen. But if you stick with exercising it WILL come back!
  • wantoldme
    wantoldme Posts: 140 Member
    aljudkin wrote: »
    I agree that mountain climbers will get difficult as you progress in your pregnancy. I think you're body will tell you what you can and can't do. But if it is still comfortable I don't see why you couldn't do them. I continued to do my normal core exercises all the way through the first trimester. I scale back once I start showing in the second trimester. I also agree that a lot of yoga poses work the core without being "core" exercises. So a general yoga practice would be beneficial as well. With that said, I don't know if any exercise will keep your waist "tight." It is just part of pregnancy for your abdominal muscles to separate and loosen. But if you stick with exercising it WILL come back!

    Thanks. So far I don't have a stomach but I'm scared if I get wide. I'm petite and have always been small so I'm worried about how my body will change.
  • aljudkin
    aljudkin Posts: 21 Member
    Girl, your body is going to do what it is going to do. All you can do is eat healthy and stay active. The rest is really out of your control!
  • wantoldme
    wantoldme Posts: 140 Member
    aljudkin wrote: »
    Girl, your body is going to do what it is going to do. All you can do is eat healthy and stay active. The rest is really out of your control!

    Ugh I know. Thanks for all your advice. I just want my baby healthy of course but I have always been small and it's scary to think of weight gain.
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    wantoldme wrote: »
    aljudkin wrote: »
    Girl, your body is going to do what it is going to do. All you can do is eat healthy and stay active. The rest is really out of your control!

    Ugh I know. Thanks for all your advice. I just want my baby healthy of course but I have always been small and it's scary to think of weight gain.

    I know its hard to think about weight gain - but of all times in life, this is when its "accepted" and actually healthy to gain (some) weight. *Try* not to stress about it too much :) It'll come off after baby (that's what I'm telling myself. I did it last time, plus some... so here's to hoping this time is just as "easy")
  • wantoldme
    wantoldme Posts: 140 Member
    wantoldme wrote: »
    aljudkin wrote: »
    Girl, your body is going to do what it is going to do. All you can do is eat healthy and stay active. The rest is really out of your control!

    Ugh I know. Thanks for all your advice. I just want my baby healthy of course but I have always been small and it's scary to think of weight gain.

    I know its hard to think about weight gain - but of all times in life, this is when its "accepted" and actually healthy to gain (some) weight. *Try* not to stress about it too much :) It'll come off after baby (that's what I'm telling myself. I did it last time, plus some... so here's to hoping this time is just as "easy")

    Thank you. You're right.